Jumat, 10 Desember 2010
Materi Tentang TV
a. Uraian Materi
Gambar 1. Diagram Blok Penerima TV Hitam Putih
Gambar 2. Diagram Blok Penerima TV Berwarna
Sebelum kita mempelajari prinsip kerja penerima TV, ada baiknya mengetahui sedikit tentang perjalanan objek gambar yang biasa kita lihat dilayar TV. Gambar yang kita lihat adalah hasil produksi dari sebuah kamera. Objek gambar yang ditangkap lensa kamera akan dipisahkan menjadi 3 warna primer yaitu merah (Red), hijau (Green) dan biru (Blue). Hasil tersebut akan dipancarkan oleh pemancar TV(Transmitter) berupa sinyal cromynance, sinyal luminance dan syncronisasi.
Selain gambar, pemancar televisi juga membawa sinyal suara yang ditransmisikan bersama sinyal gambar. Gambar dipancarkan dengan system amplitudo modulasi (AM), sedangkan suara dengan system frekuensi modulasi (FM). Kedua system ini digunakan untuk menghindari derau (noise) dan interferensi.
Gambar 3. Distribusi Objek Ke Televisi
Kelompok frekuensi yang ditetapkan untuk transmisi sinyal disebut saluran (channel). Masing-masing mempunyai sebuah saluran 6 MHz dalam salah satu bidang frekuensi (band) yang dialokasikan untuk penyiaran TV komersial yaitu:
a) VHF bidang frekuensi rendah saluran 2 sampai 6 (54 – 88 MHz).
b) VHF bidang frekuensi tinggi saluran 7 sampai 13 (174 – 216 MHz).
c) UHF saluran 14 sampai 83 (470 – 890 MHz)
Ada 3 sistem pemancar TV yaitu sebagai berikut:
a) National Television System Committee (NTSC) digunakan USA
b) Phases Alternating Line (PAL) digunakan Inggris
c) Sequential Couleur a’Memorie (SECAM) digunakan Prancis
Sedangkan Indonesia sendiri menggunakan system PAL B. Hal yang membedakan system tersebut adalah format gambar, jarak frekuensi pembawa gambar dan pembawa suara.
Gambar 4. Blok Rangkaian TV
Model dan jenisnya blok rangkaian TV bermacam-macam, tergantung pada merek TV yang digunakan.
Secara garis besar blok tersebut memiliki fungsi-fungsi sebagai berikut:
a) Antena Televisi
Antena TV menangkap sinyal-sinyal RF dari pemancar televisi. Antena diklasifikasikan berdasarkan konstruksinya ada 3 yaitu:
1) Antena Yagi
2) Antena Perioda Logaritmis
3) Antena Lup
Klasifikasi lain berdasarkan jalur frekuensi gelombang yang diterima adalah:
1) Kanal VHF Rendah
2) Kanal VHF Tinggi
3) Kanal UHF
(a)Antena VHF Rendah (b) Antena VHF Tinggi (c) Antena UHF
Gambar 5. Antena Yagi
Gambar 6. Antena Perioda Logaritmis Gambar 7. Antena Lup (Loop)
b) Rangkaian Penala (Tuner)
Rangkaian ini terdiri dari penguat frekuensi tinggi (penguat HF), pencampur (Mixer) dan osilator local. Rangkaian penala berfungsi untuk menerima sinyal TV yang masuk dan mengubahnya menjadi sinyal frekuensi IF
Gambar 8. Tuner
c) Rangkaian Penguat IF (Intermediate Frequency)
Rangkaian ini berfungsi sebagai penguat sinyal hingga 1000 kali. Sinyal ouput yang dihasilkan penala (Tuner) merupakan sinyal yang lemah dan sangat tergantung pada jarak pemancar, posisi penerima dan bentangan alam. Lingkaran merah menunjukkan rangkaian IF yang sebagian berada didalam tuner.
Gambar 9. Penguat IF
d) Rangkaian Detektor Video
Berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi sinyal video komposit yang keluar dari penguat IF gambar. Selain itu juga berfungsi untuk meredam sinyal suara yang akan mengakibatkan buruknya kualitas gambar
e) Rangkaian Penguat Video
Rangkaian ini berfungsi sebagai penguat sinyal luminan yangberasal dari detector video sehingga dapat menjalankan tabung gambar atau CRT (Catode Ray Tube)
f) Rangkaian AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Rangkaian AGC berfungsi menstabilkan sendiri input sinyal televisi yang berubah-ubah sehingga output yang dihasilkan menjadi konstan. Lingkaran merah menunjukkan komponen AGC yang berada didalam sebagian IC dan sebagian tuner
Gambar 10. Rangkaian AGC
g) Rangkaian Penstabil Penerima Gelombang TV.
Rangkaian penstabil penerima gelombang TV diantaranya adalah AGC dan AFT. Automatic Fine Tuning berfungsi mengatur frekuensi pembawa gambar dari penguat IF secara otomatis
h) Rangkaian Defleksi Sinkronisasi
Rangkaian ini terdiri dari empat blok yaitu: rangkaian sinkronisasi, rangkaian defleksi vertical, rangkaian defleksi horizontal dan rangkaian pembangkit tegangan tinggi.
Gambar 11. Rangkaian Defleksi Vertical
Gambar 12. Rangkaian Defleksi Horizontal
i) Rangkaian Suara
Suara yang kita dengar adalah hasil kerja dari rangkaian ini, sinyal pembawa IF suara akan dideteksi oleh modulator frekuensi (FM). Sebelumnya, sinyal ini dipisahkan dari sinyal pembawa gambar
Gambar 13. Rangkaian Suara
j) Rangkaian Catu Daya (Power Supply)
Berfungsi untuk mengubah arus AC menjadi DC yang selanjutnya didistribusikan ke seluruh rangkaian.
Pada gambar, rangkaian catu daya dibatasi oler
a. Uraian Materi
Gambar 1. Diagram Blok Penerima TV Hitam Putih
Gambar 2. Diagram Blok Penerima TV Berwarna
Sebelum kita mempelajari prinsip kerja penerima TV, ada baiknya mengetahui sedikit tentang perjalanan objek gambar yang biasa kita lihat dilayar TV. Gambar yang kita lihat adalah hasil produksi dari sebuah kamera. Objek gambar yang ditangkap lensa kamera akan dipisahkan menjadi 3 warna primer yaitu merah (Red), hijau (Green) dan biru (Blue). Hasil tersebut akan dipancarkan oleh pemancar TV(Transmitter) berupa sinyal cromynance, sinyal luminance dan syncronisasi.
Selain gambar, pemancar televisi juga membawa sinyal suara yang ditransmisikan bersama sinyal gambar. Gambar dipancarkan dengan system amplitudo modulasi (AM), sedangkan suara dengan system frekuensi modulasi (FM). Kedua system ini digunakan untuk menghindari derau (noise) dan interferensi.
Gambar 3. Distribusi Objek Ke Televisi
Kelompok frekuensi yang ditetapkan untuk transmisi sinyal disebut saluran (channel). Masing-masing mempunyai sebuah saluran 6 MHz dalam salah satu bidang frekuensi (band) yang dialokasikan untuk penyiaran TV komersial yaitu:
a) VHF bidang frekuensi rendah saluran 2 sampai 6 (54 – 88 MHz).
b) VHF bidang frekuensi tinggi saluran 7 sampai 13 (174 – 216 MHz).
c) UHF saluran 14 sampai 83 (470 – 890 MHz)
Ada 3 sistem pemancar TV yaitu sebagai berikut:
a) National Television System Committee (NTSC) digunakan USA
b) Phases Alternating Line (PAL) digunakan Inggris
c) Sequential Couleur a’Memorie (SECAM) digunakan Prancis
Sedangkan Indonesia sendiri menggunakan system PAL B. Hal yang membedakan system tersebut adalah format gambar, jarak frekuensi pembawa gambar dan pembawa suara.
Gambar 4. Blok Rangkaian TV
Model dan jenisnya blok rangkaian TV bermacam-macam, tergantung pada merek TV yang digunakan.
Secara garis besar blok tersebut memiliki fungsi-fungsi sebagai berikut:
a) Antena Televisi
Antena TV menangkap sinyal-sinyal RF dari pemancar televisi. Antena diklasifikasikan berdasarkan konstruksinya ada 3 yaitu:
1) Antena Yagi
2) Antena Perioda Logaritmis
3) Antena Lup
Klasifikasi lain berdasarkan jalur frekuensi gelombang yang diterima adalah:
1) Kanal VHF Rendah
2) Kanal VHF Tinggi
3) Kanal UHF
(a)Antena VHF Rendah (b) Antena VHF Tinggi (c) Antena UHF
Gambar 5. Antena Yagi
Gambar 6. Antena Perioda Logaritmis Gambar 7. Antena Lup (Loop)
b) Rangkaian Penala (Tuner)
Rangkaian ini terdiri dari penguat frekuensi tinggi (penguat HF), pencampur (Mixer) dan osilator local. Rangkaian penala berfungsi untuk menerima sinyal TV yang masuk dan mengubahnya menjadi sinyal frekuensi IF
Gambar 8. Tuner
c) Rangkaian Penguat IF (Intermediate Frequency)
Rangkaian ini berfungsi sebagai penguat sinyal hingga 1000 kali. Sinyal ouput yang dihasilkan penala (Tuner) merupakan sinyal yang lemah dan sangat tergantung pada jarak pemancar, posisi penerima dan bentangan alam. Lingkaran merah menunjukkan rangkaian IF yang sebagian berada didalam tuner.
Gambar 9. Penguat IF
d) Rangkaian Detektor Video
Berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi sinyal video komposit yang keluar dari penguat IF gambar. Selain itu juga berfungsi untuk meredam sinyal suara yang akan mengakibatkan buruknya kualitas gambar
e) Rangkaian Penguat Video
Rangkaian ini berfungsi sebagai penguat sinyal luminan yangberasal dari detector video sehingga dapat menjalankan tabung gambar atau CRT (Catode Ray Tube)
f) Rangkaian AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Rangkaian AGC berfungsi menstabilkan sendiri input sinyal televisi yang berubah-ubah sehingga output yang dihasilkan menjadi konstan. Lingkaran merah menunjukkan komponen AGC yang berada didalam sebagian IC dan sebagian tuner
Gambar 10. Rangkaian AGC
g) Rangkaian Penstabil Penerima Gelombang TV.
Rangkaian penstabil penerima gelombang TV diantaranya adalah AGC dan AFT. Automatic Fine Tuning berfungsi mengatur frekuensi pembawa gambar dari penguat IF secara otomatis
h) Rangkaian Defleksi Sinkronisasi
Rangkaian ini terdiri dari empat blok yaitu: rangkaian sinkronisasi, rangkaian defleksi vertical, rangkaian defleksi horizontal dan rangkaian pembangkit tegangan tinggi.
Gambar 11. Rangkaian Defleksi Vertical
Gambar 12. Rangkaian Defleksi Horizontal
i) Rangkaian Suara
Suara yang kita dengar adalah hasil kerja dari rangkaian ini, sinyal pembawa IF suara akan dideteksi oleh modulator frekuensi (FM). Sebelumnya, sinyal ini dipisahkan dari sinyal pembawa gambar
Gambar 13. Rangkaian Suara
j) Rangkaian Catu Daya (Power Supply)
Berfungsi untuk mengubah arus AC menjadi DC yang selanjutnya didistribusikan ke seluruh rangkaian.
Pada gambar, rangkaian catu daya dibatasi oler
Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010
Senin, 02 Agustus 2010
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
(Now your nightmare comes to life)
Dragged you down below
Down to the devil’s show
To be his guest forever
(Peace of mind is less than never)
Hate to twist your mind
But God ain’t on your side
An old acquaintance severed
(Burn the world your last endeavor)
Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air
'Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
You’re now a slave until the end of time here
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
It’s your fuckin’ nightmare
(While your nightmare comes to life)
Can’t wake up in sweat
'Cause it ain’t over yet
Still dancin' with your demons
(Victim of your own creation)
Beyond the will to fight
Where all that’s wrong is right
Where hate don’t need a reason
(Loathing self-assassination)
You’ve been lied to just to rape you of your sight
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)
So sedated as they medicate your brain
And while you slowly go insane they tell ya
"Given with the best intentions,
Help you with your complications"
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It’s your fuckin’ nightmare
Fight (fight)
Not to fail (fail)
Not to fall (fall)
Or you’ll end up like the others
Die (die)
Die again (die)
Drenched in sin (sin)
With no respect for another
Down (down)
Feel the fire (fire)
Feel the hate (hate)
Your pain is what we desire
Lost (lost)
Hit the wall (wall)
Watch you crawl (crawl)
Such a replaceable liar
And I know you hear their voices
(Calling from above)
And I know they may seem real
(These signals of love)
But our life’s made up of choices
(Some without appeal)
They took for granted your soul
And it’s ours now to steal
(As your nightmare comes to life)
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It’s your fuckin’ nightmare
(Now your nightmare comes to life)
Dragged you down below
Down to the devil’s show
To be his guest forever
(Peace of mind is less than never)
Hate to twist your mind
But God ain’t on your side
An old acquaintance severed
(Burn the world your last endeavor)
Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air
'Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
You’re now a slave until the end of time here
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
It’s your fuckin’ nightmare
(While your nightmare comes to life)
Can’t wake up in sweat
'Cause it ain’t over yet
Still dancin' with your demons
(Victim of your own creation)
Beyond the will to fight
Where all that’s wrong is right
Where hate don’t need a reason
(Loathing self-assassination)
You’ve been lied to just to rape you of your sight
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)
So sedated as they medicate your brain
And while you slowly go insane they tell ya
"Given with the best intentions,
Help you with your complications"
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It’s your fuckin’ nightmare
Fight (fight)
Not to fail (fail)
Not to fall (fall)
Or you’ll end up like the others
Die (die)
Die again (die)
Drenched in sin (sin)
With no respect for another
Down (down)
Feel the fire (fire)
Feel the hate (hate)
Your pain is what we desire
Lost (lost)
Hit the wall (wall)
Watch you crawl (crawl)
Such a replaceable liar
And I know you hear their voices
(Calling from above)
And I know they may seem real
(These signals of love)
But our life’s made up of choices
(Some without appeal)
They took for granted your soul
And it’s ours now to steal
(As your nightmare comes to life)
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It’s your fuckin’ nightmare
Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive
Am C
Take the time just to listen
When the voices screaming are much too loud
Am C
Take a look in the distance
Try and see it all
Am C
Chances are that you might find
That we share a common discomfort now
Am C
I feel I'm walking a fine line
Tell me only if it's real
Dm C G
Still I'm on my way
(On and on it goes)
Dm C G E
Vacant hope to take
I can't live in here for another day
Am E F E
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Am E F E F G
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Am E F E
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
E Am
And it seems I've been buried alive!
Am C
I walk the fields through the fire
F E Am
Taking steps until I found solid ground
Followed dreams, reaching higher
Couldn't survive the fall
Am C
Much has changed since the last time
F E Am
And I feel a little less certain now
You know I jumped at the first sign
Tell me only if it's real
Dm C G
Memories seem to fade
(On and on it goes)
Dm C G E
Wash my view away
I can't live in here for another day
Am E F E
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Am E F E F G
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Am E F E
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And I'm chained like a slave
Trapped in the dark
Slammed all the locks
Death calls my name
And it seems I've been buried alive!
Am C Dm G
Am C Dm F E G F
Am C Dm G
Am C Dm F E G F
Am F
Am F
Am F
Am F
Am Abm G F# F
E x7
E G F# F E
Take you down now
Burn it all out
Throw you all around
E G F# F
Get your fuckin' HANDS OFF ME!
What's it feel like?
Took the wrong route
Watch it fall apart
E G F# F E
Now you're knockin' AT THE WRONG GATE!
Ab Am B
For you to pay the toll
Am B C
A price for you alone
Ab Am B
The only deal you'll find
Am B C
I'll gladly take your soul
While it seems sick
Sober up quick
Psycho lunatic crushing you with
G F# F
Shame to find out
When it's too late
But you're all the same
E G F# F E
Trapped inside INFERNO AWAITS!
Ab Am B
Evil thoughts can hide
Am B B
I'll help release the mind
Ab Am B
I'll peel away the skin
Am B C
Release the dark within
E G F# G E
This is now your life
E G F# G E
Strike you from the light
E G F# G E
This is now your life
E G F# G E
Die, buried alive
Take the time just to listen
When the voices screaming are much too loud
Am C
Take a look in the distance
Try and see it all
Am C
Chances are that you might find
That we share a common discomfort now
Am C
I feel I'm walking a fine line
Tell me only if it's real
Dm C G
Still I'm on my way
(On and on it goes)
Dm C G E
Vacant hope to take
I can't live in here for another day
Am E F E
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Am E F E F G
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Am E F E
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
E Am
And it seems I've been buried alive!
Am C
I walk the fields through the fire
F E Am
Taking steps until I found solid ground
Followed dreams, reaching higher
Couldn't survive the fall
Am C
Much has changed since the last time
F E Am
And I feel a little less certain now
You know I jumped at the first sign
Tell me only if it's real
Dm C G
Memories seem to fade
(On and on it goes)
Dm C G E
Wash my view away
I can't live in here for another day
Am E F E
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Am E F E F G
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Am E F E
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And I'm chained like a slave
Trapped in the dark
Slammed all the locks
Death calls my name
And it seems I've been buried alive!
Am C Dm G
Am C Dm F E G F
Am C Dm G
Am C Dm F E G F
Am F
Am F
Am F
Am F
Am Abm G F# F
E x7
E G F# F E
Take you down now
Burn it all out
Throw you all around
E G F# F
Get your fuckin' HANDS OFF ME!
What's it feel like?
Took the wrong route
Watch it fall apart
E G F# F E
Now you're knockin' AT THE WRONG GATE!
Ab Am B
For you to pay the toll
Am B C
A price for you alone
Ab Am B
The only deal you'll find
Am B C
I'll gladly take your soul
While it seems sick
Sober up quick
Psycho lunatic crushing you with
G F# F
Shame to find out
When it's too late
But you're all the same
E G F# F E
Trapped inside INFERNO AWAITS!
Ab Am B
Evil thoughts can hide
Am B B
I'll help release the mind
Ab Am B
I'll peel away the skin
Am B C
Release the dark within
E G F# G E
This is now your life
E G F# G E
Strike you from the light
E G F# G E
This is now your life
E G F# G E
Die, buried alive
Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away
Never been for anything
Never chained but never free
I lied to heal the broken love
Bm C
With all that it could
Live the life so endlessly
Saw beyond what others see
I tried to heal your broken heart
Bm C
With all that I could
Will you stay
Will you stay away forever?
Em G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am Em D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em G
Facing times always on my mind
Am C D
I have so much to say but you're so far away
Means a war of futures hold
Foolish lies of grown and old
And seems we're so invincible
Bm C
The truth is so cold
A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
Now and then I try to find
Bm C
The place in my mind
Where you can stay?
You can stay awake forever!
Em G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am Em D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em G
Facing times always on my mind
Am C D
I have so much to say but you're so far away
Sleep tight
I'm not on pray
Am Em
The ones that we love are here with me
Lay away
A place for me
'Cause as soon as I'm done
I'll be on my way
To live eternally
(solo) E C Am Em
Em G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am Em D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em G
Facing times always on my mind
And the light you let remains
But it so hard to stay
Am C D Em
And I have so much to say and you're so far away
(solo- 3:30 2x) Em D Am G D/F# Em D C
(solo) Em D Am G D/F# Em D C (2x)
Em D C
I love you
You were ready
Am G D/F# Em D C
The pain stroke in dark spines
But I see you
An it lets me
Am G D/F# Em D C
Your pain is gone on hands of time
Em D C Em D C
So far away (And I need you to know)
Em D C Em D C
So far away (And I need you to need you to know)
Never been for anything
Never chained but never free
I lied to heal the broken love
Bm C
With all that it could
Live the life so endlessly
Saw beyond what others see
I tried to heal your broken heart
Bm C
With all that I could
Will you stay
Will you stay away forever?
Em G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am Em D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em G
Facing times always on my mind
Am C D
I have so much to say but you're so far away
Means a war of futures hold
Foolish lies of grown and old
And seems we're so invincible
Bm C
The truth is so cold
A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
Now and then I try to find
Bm C
The place in my mind
Where you can stay?
You can stay awake forever!
Em G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am Em D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em G
Facing times always on my mind
Am C D
I have so much to say but you're so far away
Sleep tight
I'm not on pray
Am Em
The ones that we love are here with me
Lay away
A place for me
'Cause as soon as I'm done
I'll be on my way
To live eternally
(solo) E C Am Em
Em G
How do I live without the ones I love?
Am Em D
Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt
Em G
Facing times always on my mind
And the light you let remains
But it so hard to stay
Am C D Em
And I have so much to say and you're so far away
(solo- 3:30 2x) Em D Am G D/F# Em D C
(solo) Em D Am G D/F# Em D C (2x)
Em D C
I love you
You were ready
Am G D/F# Em D C
The pain stroke in dark spines
But I see you
An it lets me
Am G D/F# Em D C
Your pain is gone on hands of time
Em D C Em D C
So far away (And I need you to know)
Em D C Em D C
So far away (And I need you to need you to know)
Avenged Sevenfold - Victim
Standard tuning
I think it's pretty much right, let me know of any mistakes!
Eb, Cm X2
C Fm
House full of roses, a letter on the stairs
C Fm
A tape full of messages for anyone who cares
Bb Ab
Collage of broken words, and stories full of tears,
Bb Ab
Remembering your life, 'cause we wish that you were here
C Fm
Nothing is harder than to wake up all alone,
C Fm
Realize it's not OK, it's the end of all you've known
Bb Ab
Time keeps passing by, but it seems I'm frozen still,
Bb Ab
Scars are left behind, but some too deep to feel
And some say this can't be real,
Fm Bb
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
Eb G
We're all just victims of a crime
When all's gone and can't be regained,
Fm Bb
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
Eb G Cm
We're all just victims of a crime
C Fm
Some days you'll find me in a place I like to go,
C Fm
Ask questions to myself 'bout the things I'll never know
Bb Ab
What's left to find? 'Cause I need a little more
Bb Ab
I need a little time, can we even up the score?
Some say this can't be real,
Fm Bb
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
Eb G
We're all just victims of a crime
When all's gone and can't be regained,
Fm Bb
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
Eb G
We're all just victims of a crime
(1st solo)
Cm Fm Eb
Nothing lasts forever, for all good things it's true
G Cm
I'd rather trade it all, while somehow saving you
Fm Eb
It must have been the season that threw us out of line
G Eb
Once I stood so tall, now I'm searching for a sign
Bb Cm
So don't need your salvation with promises unkind
Fm Eb
And all the speculation, save it for another time
Bb Cm Fm
'Cause we all need a reason, a reason just to stay, and some just can't be bothered
To stick around another day
(2nd solo)
Some say this can't be real,
Fm Bb
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
Eb G
We've all been victims of a crime
When all is gone and can't be regained,
Fm Bb
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
Eb G
We've all been victims of a crime
Eb G
Victims of a crime
Eb G
Living with this crime
I'm missing you X4
Eb, Cm, Eb, Cm, Eb, Cm, Bb, Cm (or something)
R.I.P. James Owen Sullivan.
I think it's pretty much right, let me know of any mistakes!
Eb, Cm X2
C Fm
House full of roses, a letter on the stairs
C Fm
A tape full of messages for anyone who cares
Bb Ab
Collage of broken words, and stories full of tears,
Bb Ab
Remembering your life, 'cause we wish that you were here
C Fm
Nothing is harder than to wake up all alone,
C Fm
Realize it's not OK, it's the end of all you've known
Bb Ab
Time keeps passing by, but it seems I'm frozen still,
Bb Ab
Scars are left behind, but some too deep to feel
And some say this can't be real,
Fm Bb
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
Eb G
We're all just victims of a crime
When all's gone and can't be regained,
Fm Bb
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
Eb G Cm
We're all just victims of a crime
C Fm
Some days you'll find me in a place I like to go,
C Fm
Ask questions to myself 'bout the things I'll never know
Bb Ab
What's left to find? 'Cause I need a little more
Bb Ab
I need a little time, can we even up the score?
Some say this can't be real,
Fm Bb
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
Eb G
We're all just victims of a crime
When all's gone and can't be regained,
Fm Bb
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
Eb G
We're all just victims of a crime
(1st solo)
Cm Fm Eb
Nothing lasts forever, for all good things it's true
G Cm
I'd rather trade it all, while somehow saving you
Fm Eb
It must have been the season that threw us out of line
G Eb
Once I stood so tall, now I'm searching for a sign
Bb Cm
So don't need your salvation with promises unkind
Fm Eb
And all the speculation, save it for another time
Bb Cm Fm
'Cause we all need a reason, a reason just to stay, and some just can't be bothered
To stick around another day
(2nd solo)
Some say this can't be real,
Fm Bb
And I've lost my power to feel tonight
Eb G
We've all been victims of a crime
When all is gone and can't be regained,
Fm Bb
We can't seem to shelter the pain inside
Eb G
We've all been victims of a crime
Eb G
Victims of a crime
Eb G
Living with this crime
I'm missing you X4
Eb, Cm, Eb, Cm, Eb, Cm, Bb, Cm (or something)
R.I.P. James Owen Sullivan.
Avenged Sevenfold - Fiction
Now I think I understand
How this world can overcome a man
Like a friend we saw it through
In the end I gave my life for you
Gave you all I had to give
Found a place for me to rest my head
While I may be hard to find
Heard there's peace just on the other side
Not that I could
Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn
(repeat piano intro a couple of times)
Left this life to set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me
All this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never feel afraid
Not that I could
Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn
I hope it’s worth it, here on the highway, yeah
Dm G
I know you'll find your own way when I’m not with you
So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
Dm G
I hope you'll find your own way when I’m not with you tonight
I hope it’s worth it, what’s left behind me, yeah
Dm G
I know you'll find your own way when I’m not with you
So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
Dm G
I know you'll find your own way when I’m not with you tonight
End on C
Now I think I understand
How this world can overcome a man
Like a friend we saw it through
In the end I gave my life for you
Gave you all I had to give
Found a place for me to rest my head
While I may be hard to find
Heard there's peace just on the other side
Not that I could
Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn
(repeat piano intro a couple of times)
Left this life to set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me
All this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never feel afraid
Not that I could
Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn
I hope it’s worth it, here on the highway, yeah
Dm G
I know you'll find your own way when I’m not with you
So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
Dm G
I hope you'll find your own way when I’m not with you tonight
I hope it’s worth it, what’s left behind me, yeah
Dm G
I know you'll find your own way when I’m not with you
So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
Dm G
I know you'll find your own way when I’m not with you tonight
End on C
Avenged Sevenfold - Welcome To The Family
Hey kid (hey kid)
Do I have your attention?
I know the way I've been living
Life so reckless, tragedy endless
Welcome to the family
Hey, there's something missing
Only time will alter your vision
Never in question, lethal injection
Welcome to the family
Not long ago you'd find the answers were so crystal clear
Within a day you find yourself living in constant fear
Can you look at yourself now?
Can you look at yourself?
You can't win this fight
And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside
We all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight
Hey (hey kid)
I have to question
What's with the violent aggression?
Details blurry, lost him too early
Welcome to the family
Hey, why won't you listen?
Can't help the people you're missing
It's been done, a casualty re-run
Welcome to the family
I try and help you with the things that can't be justified
I need to warn you that there is no way to rationalize
So have you figured it out now?
So have you figured it out?
You can't win this fight
And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside
We all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight
Here for you and all mankind
I've lost my mind
Psychotic round in dementia
I won't be fine
I see, your escape has been dethrone
Cast out in a world you'll never know
Stand there, place your weapons by your side
It's a war in the end, we'll surely lose but that's alright
So have you figured it out now?
So have you figured it out?
And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside
We all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight
Deep inside where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
You're not invited, so step aside
I've lost my,
Deep inside where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
You're not invited, so step aside
I've lost my...
I lost my
Do I have your attention?
I know the way I've been living
Life so reckless, tragedy endless
Welcome to the family
Hey, there's something missing
Only time will alter your vision
Never in question, lethal injection
Welcome to the family
Not long ago you'd find the answers were so crystal clear
Within a day you find yourself living in constant fear
Can you look at yourself now?
Can you look at yourself?
You can't win this fight
And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside
We all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight
Hey (hey kid)
I have to question
What's with the violent aggression?
Details blurry, lost him too early
Welcome to the family
Hey, why won't you listen?
Can't help the people you're missing
It's been done, a casualty re-run
Welcome to the family
I try and help you with the things that can't be justified
I need to warn you that there is no way to rationalize
So have you figured it out now?
So have you figured it out?
You can't win this fight
And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside
We all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight
Here for you and all mankind
I've lost my mind
Psychotic round in dementia
I won't be fine
I see, your escape has been dethrone
Cast out in a world you'll never know
Stand there, place your weapons by your side
It's a war in the end, we'll surely lose but that's alright
So have you figured it out now?
So have you figured it out?
And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside
We all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight
Deep inside where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
You're not invited, so step aside
I've lost my,
Deep inside where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
You're not invited, so step aside
I've lost my...
I lost my
Avenged Sevenfold - Danger Line
My 16 locked and loaded
All fear has been aborted
You say the words and my weapon is drawn
This one could be my last time
Some people call it war crime
I may be staring out of either side
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line
I do this for my family
My daughter loves her daddy
Too many talk down on things they don't know
With colors never faded
Reckless and unevaded
They may take me but never take us all.
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line
I know what you're thinking
I've been there before
So think of the times
The time we spent laughing away
So think of the times
And hope
Now I find myself in my own blood
The damage done is far beyond repair
I never put my faith in up above
But now I'm hoping someone's there
I never meant to leave this world alone
I never meant to hurt the ones who cared
And all this time I thought we'd just grow old
You know, no one said it's fair
Tell my baby girl that it's alright
I've sung my last song today
We're not alone
Don't leave this light on for me
I'm free
All fear has been aborted
You say the words and my weapon is drawn
This one could be my last time
Some people call it war crime
I may be staring out of either side
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line
I do this for my family
My daughter loves her daddy
Too many talk down on things they don't know
With colors never faded
Reckless and unevaded
They may take me but never take us all.
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line
I know what you're thinking
I've been there before
So think of the times
The time we spent laughing away
So think of the times
And hope
Now I find myself in my own blood
The damage done is far beyond repair
I never put my faith in up above
But now I'm hoping someone's there
I never meant to leave this world alone
I never meant to hurt the ones who cared
And all this time I thought we'd just grow old
You know, no one said it's fair
Tell my baby girl that it's alright
I've sung my last song today
We're not alone
Don't leave this light on for me
I'm free
Avenged Sevenfold - Tonight The World Dies
Lost the meaning of our stay
Learn to live another day
Doubt the choices that we’ve made
I know that we can’t hide our shame
It’s only in disguise
Drowning in a room to breathe
Pool of thoughts as though we’re free
Close our eyes so we can see
The depth of all we mean to be
If only in my eyes
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again, in a way
So try and love me while you can
And take the time to understand
As long as I can touch your face
You know I’ll never leave this place
If only in my mind
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again, in a way
But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend
Silence, all I want to say
Seems to run away
I’ll run away with you tonight
courtesy OriginaLyric.Info
Launder all my sins away
And just like that mistakes are made
You know, tonight the world dies
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again
But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend
Learn to live another day
Doubt the choices that we’ve made
I know that we can’t hide our shame
It’s only in disguise
Drowning in a room to breathe
Pool of thoughts as though we’re free
Close our eyes so we can see
The depth of all we mean to be
If only in my eyes
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again, in a way
So try and love me while you can
And take the time to understand
As long as I can touch your face
You know I’ll never leave this place
If only in my mind
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again, in a way
But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend
Silence, all I want to say
Seems to run away
I’ll run away with you tonight
courtesy OriginaLyric.Info
Launder all my sins away
And just like that mistakes are made
You know, tonight the world dies
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again
But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare II
"Nightmare" is the newest album to have been created by the band "Avenged Sevenfold". In December 2009 the band took the loss of James Owen Sullivan (The Rev) in their stride and decided to complete the album in his honour. They asked the drummer from Dream Theatre, Mike Portnoy, to complete the drum tracks for the album.
Soon after completing the album they released the opening song of the album: "Nightmare". The song was met with mixed reviews. Despite the mass split of opinions, the song captured all the best bits of Avenged Sevenfold's unique sound. It kept the dark, ominous feeling that surrounds most of Avenged's newer work and in captures the crunching guitar tone that is present in "City Of Evil."
The vocals were somewhat disappointing however, as a lot of Matt's singing becomes throaty and groggy at parts. The absence of Matt's screaming in "Waking the fallen" is also disappointing as the anticipation for this album has been growing increasingly since the release of their last album "Avenged Sevenfold", and alot of fans were hoping that Matt would go back to his roots at some point and scream in some form.
Many could accuse Mike Portnoy of not following the Rev's style of drumming, but this could just be the fact that fans are just wanting to pick holes in the style of his drumming, simply because they miss the rev.
Overall, the opening song definitely sets the mood for the rest of the album.=9/10
"Welcome To The Family" is the second song on the album, which is reminiscent of the "Waking The Fallen song", Remenissions and also of "Avenged Sevenfold's", critical acclaim. A very riff driven verse and a melodic chorus and a very dark and harbouring bridge. The solo kicks in at 2.14, and is once again very reminiscent of "Critical acclaim". A harmonising phrase followed by a very fast alternative picked phrase.
After the first two songs you can tell this album is a compilation of Avenged's best parts. = 9/10
"Danger Line" is the third song on the album. The opening is a military style drum and guitar line. The chorus is somewhat similar to the kind they incorporated in "Waking The Fallen" and "City Of Evil", fast paced with guitars playing melodically in the background. The true highlight of this song takes place from 2:40, where the softer side of the album is first explored. With meaningful lyrics and a strong guitar part to accompany, the song then goes into a soft piano interlude, which is sure to give you goosebumps. The military theme present in the song unveils itself again with a military drum beat which is followed by a melodic solo. The song is finished by again the military style drums, and a peculiar "whistle" solo. =7/10
"Buried alive" is the fourth song and is the second single to have been released. A clear influence from early Metallica is established throughout, starting off with a soft harmonising solo. The chorus is the best part of the whole song, with a strong guitar riff which heavily emphasises the lyrics of the chorus, which is altogether further emphasised by the softness of the verses. This song is the most reminiscent of "City Of Evil", due to the tone of the vocals and overall tone of the song. A very Metallica sounding riff is present in the bridge after the solo. You can almost put Kirk Hammets famous grunts and "yeahs" on the track. But this is split up by an Avenged sounding build up of octaves, but is once again hindered by a Metallica sounding solo from Gates. The outro is definitely Metallica influenced. Overall this song is disappointing, but they should get appraisal for the fact that they tried something new. =5/10
"Natural born killer" is one of the best songs on the album, beginning with a riff that is definitely influenced by Waking The Fallen. The chorus is a clear highlight of the song, with a powerful meaning behind the lyrics and a very tasteful riff played by the guitar. Both solos are also highlights, with both being similar to the kind played in the CD/DVD "Diamonds in the rough". Worth listening to. =10/10
"So Far Away" is yet another shining diamond in the album. Similar to seize the day from "City Of Evil", this song is worth listening to. With a solo that will make the hair on your neck stand on end, a soft guitar part in the background that compliments the clean vocals and meaningful lyrics this is Avenged at their best. =9/10
"God hates us" is the heaviest song Avenged have ever released. Starting off with soft guitars you think this is yet again another slow song, but you couldnt be more wrong. The song immediately goes into a heavy riff with Lamb of god style drums. This whole song is clearly influenced by Lamb of god, as all guitar tones and vocal tones sound incredibly similar. The only riff that doesn't resemble Lamb of god is the chorus riff, which is more similar to the groove orientated song "Scream" from the previous album. This signals a welcomed return to "Waking the fallen" style vocals, but with much deeper, darker, growling vocals. The heavy bridge signals an return to the even earlier album "Sounding the seventh trumpet", with a somewhat slow, heavily palm muted guitar part, which the drums and vocals compliment well. The solo is one of the best on the album that goes incredibly well with the rhythm guitar and with the song as a whole. 9/10
"Victim" begins with another soft guitar phrase which is backed by a scat singer. You can tell from the start that this is yet again another good attempt at something different for Avenged Sevenfold. Given the loss of the Rev before the album was completed, you could say this song is about the Rev, with Matt feeling as though James being taken away from him is a crime, and a crime to everyone who knew him, as a fan or personally. You can truly feel the emotional state of mind in which Avenged wrote the whole album. However, the only downside is the tone of the vocals, which remains a problem throughout the whole album. At parts Matt's voice seems hoarse and throaty, which is disappointing given the potential quality of the song.= 7/10
"Tonight the world dies" starts off with another acoustic guitar part, such as in "City of Evil." This is another song which could be considered to be about the Rev, as though the band regrets the choices made in their earlier days which they feel lead to The revs overdoes in present days. A certain empathy is created whilst listening to this song, and you can feel the evident atmosphere of regret and sorrow that the band clearly wished to define. The downside to this song is once again the tone of the vocals, and also the lyrics to the chorus. They don't seem as strong as the rest of the choruses in the album, and clearly falls away from the normal large, epic choruses that is common to Avenged Sevenfold songs.=6/10
"Fiction" is the only song Avenged Sevenfold have ever created that doesn't have any guitar part to it. And they don't need it for this song either, I'd like to point out. A truly melodic song, with a surprising presence of The Rev's singing throughout. A lot of anticipation was created for this song after The Rev claimed it was his masterpiece. The song does not fail to live up to this claim, and if you're a fan of Avenged Sevenfold, i suggest listening to this song. =10/10
"Save Me" is the longest song Avenged Sevenfold have ever created, unless you count "I won't see you tonight" part 1&2 as one entity. A good song to end an exceptional album on. Despite the frightening length, the song seems much shorter in reality, as everything is broken down into easy parts for us audiences. The guitar tone is perfect, and the backing vocals and lead vocals are balanced correctly. The drums could perhaps be different, such as in the verses where the other instruments are all playing something slow and mournful, but the drums pound ahead fearlessly. The song overall clearly shows all aspects of Avenged Sevenfold at their maximum potential. =10/10 // 8
Lyrics and Singing: Given that they lost The Rev before the album was fully completed, it is no surprise that Avenged Sevenfold have incorporated this loss into their songs. It is evident in both Victim and so So Far Away that this is exactly what they've done. The lyrics show both regret and remorse at the loss of someone close to the band. The mentality of the band whilst writing the album can clearly be seen within these two songs, they are both meaningful and deep, with the same dark unique sound that has been with Avenged Sevenfold since their beginning. The lyrics will surely appeal to both new and older fans of Avenged, as they can be applied to any loss that anyone has ever suffered, but also because older fans can relate to the loss the band has felt as they have lost a role model in the loss of The Rev.
However, incongruous to these meaningful, deep and heartfelt lyrics is the vocals themselves. The tone has regressed back to the tone heard in City Of Evil, which is all well and good given that this was the album that gave them mainstream success, but it still does not compliment the other instruments and their styles. In "Nightmare" the vocals become throaty and hoarse at parts throughout the song, and this seems to continue throughout the album. This is the major downside to the entire album. The only reprisal from these vocals is in the song "God Hates Us." The entire song is the heaviest song Avenged have ever produced, with screaming, deep vocals. Even within this song when Matt sings cleanly, the disappointing tone of the vocals can be heard. Overall, the singers skills do not compliment the quality of the songs on the album, which is sad given the potential that they could reach with a good tone = 7/10 // 7
Impression: Overall the album is a definitive statement within Avenged Sevenfold's career. It takes influences from all of Avenged's earlier albums, but unfortunately they take influence from some of the bad aspects present in their previous work. The main downside is the vocals, and some disappointing, flimsy guitar riffs, such as the verse riff for "Welcome To The Family." Even though the riff does go with the vocals and the song overall, it is still not what Avenged normally produces.
The album explores the emotional side of the band, combining meaningful lyrics to a good few slow songs. It is truly a journey throughout the album, going from the semi-heavy opener "Nightmare" to the dark melody that is "Save me." In between you have an assortment of different styles, ranging from Metallica to Lamb Of God. The softer side of Avenged can clearly be seen within this album.
Audiences can appraise the new styles attempted by Avenged, although they don't necessarily work out well with their dark hearted fare. The album clearly demonstrates their fearlessness at attempting new things whilst retaining their unique sound; their large melodic choruses and darker sounding vocals and atmosphere. There is some very impressive guitar solos, none quite holding a candle to their previous single "Afterlife", but still mind numbingly skill full all the same.
The album is good despite a few let downs, and I would definitely recommend this album to anyone.
Song to avoid = Buried Alive
Song to listen to = Fiction
Sound: As many people are aware, Avenged Sevenfold's Drummer The Reverend Tholemew Plague (AKA Jimmy Sullivan) died a year ago.
From that sad day for music in general Avenged have seemingly decided to mention the death at every possible opportunity in order to increase album sales (it seems). Even drafting in Mike Portnoy (one of The Rev's favourite drummers) to lay down the drum tracks on the album in question.
What does this have to do with the album itself? I'm sure you're asking this, well.
In short the album is nothing more than fairly average, it's a A7X album, end of, you could listen to the darker songs on previous albums and get roughly the same result.
The whole album is dark, very dark, centred around death, its a concept that flows throughout the entire record. As for musicality there's nothing your typical Avenged listener won't have heard before. Unless you look more into the songs themselves.
The title track Nightmare is simplistic in itself, but does what it sets out to do, set the album up, and it does so perfectly, the chromatic intro gives the song a darker feel, whilst in the bridges the guitars use minor intervals in their harmonies of this descending line to create even more unease in the song. Lyrically it seems to centre around a feeling that you can't escape. guilt possibly with the lyric (you should have known the price of evil)
The second track 'Welcome To The Family' is started with a simpler version of Dream Theatre's 'Honor Thy Father' drum fill, followed by a equally similar ossinato pattern in the guitar. (Portnoy influence maybe). After this DT reference, it follows a similar pattern to majority of the City Of Evil album, catchy vocals, pleasing guitar patterns, and a drum beat that seeks to impress as well as keep a pulse. The solo is a typical Synyster solo, fast, chromatic at times and flashy, shred in its purest form. This track is 100% radio friendly A7X.
The third track is Danger Line, the track starts with a Bolero style snare pattern (also a marching band style pattern), followed by a intro solo. the main part of the song has a very similar melody to Nothing to Say from Slash's Solo effort (which M Shadows did vocals for). The chorus has a feel of Lost from the self titled album (minus the Vocoder), the song is very reminiscent of the mainstream Avenged.
Track 4 is Buried Alive which is Avenged going back to something I personally think they do rather well, clean intro and verses and overdriven chorus' (I.E a grunge style of song). this song is obviously about how the band felt about the passing of The Rev, and there is a quiver in Shadow's voice throughout, which is understandable and also very sentimental, and adds a different side to the rather thug like persona of the Waking The Fallen Avenged Sevenfold.
Natural Born Killer, is a thrash metal style track made to fit Avenged, Shadows vocals start with a low growl, then its back to business with his shouted style of vocal from City of Evil and Avenged Sevenfold (no real screams yet). the song flows into a slower pre chorus and chorus, then back into the fast paced verse. Song works well for Shadow's style of vocal, and sounds like something Avenged should write more of, even though the mini bridge riffs are reminiscent of Almost Easy from the self titled.
So Far Away, This is another lighter song, flows rather similarly to Dear God in style, instrumentation. nothing special but a nice song nonetheless.
God Hates Us, this is the song Shadows promised screaming on, and he barely delivers, a mid growl is what you get, so unfortunately for the fans of his high pitched screams (as on Sounding The Seventh Trumpet and Waking The Fallen) you won't be disappointed in what you hear, yet you'll want him to go higher, and where it sounds as though it should. it just doesn't which is a shame. The rest of this song is filled with a fast riffs, double kick all for most and a rather impressive dual solo, which based purely on tone seems to be being lead by Zacky (who did all solos on Sounding the Seventh Trumpet [except To End The Rapture]) then Synyster takes over with some Divebombs and various other techniques.
Victim, This song is the final song that The Rev wrote (3 days after finishing this he passed away). The song is seemingly Shadow's hardest song to sing, his voice is throwing deep sadness throughout, and in the first chorus a sniff is audible. This adds to the song's nature and also allows for the song to breathe and reminisce about the band and to allow the listener to think about the various aspects of the band, which are all apparent within this one song.
Tonight The World Dies, it's one of those songs you listen to but don't really notice it, it's good but its not one you can actively listen to.
Fiction, This song has no Guitar whatsoever (shock horror) however it does have piano/strings (synthed)/drums and ... for the best part... The Rev doing the main vocal, doubled by Shadows, It's the only song on the album that seems to come from the heart. The Rev evidently wrote the song, and it seems to have been written from beyond the grave, 'I've found a place to rest my head' 'though I may be hard to find', the lyrics lend itself to the eeriness of the instrumentation. and also the voice you hear. almost a year after his death you find him singing on a track.
Save Me. This song for me is totally different from Avenged Sevenfold, and personally sounds like a track Portnoy has written for DT, everything would fit perfectly in DT's song catalogue. There is not a single part that sounds detracted from DT, with exception to the vocals.
Overall I give the Album 8, it's good but not quite as good as the previous albums. // 8
Lyrics and Singing: Shadow's has the unique ability to make anything work with anything. its amazing to listen to how he can manipulate his voice, words and melodies to make them fit over the harmony underneath.
In Fiction, The Rev having seemingly written the song, has a very good understanding of the melody, Shadows seems to be hanging back and allowing The Rev's voice to be heard over his, opting to play a backing role rather than his usual powerful style.
The lyrics all centre in some way or another to death, as was the original concept to the album, even before The Rev's passing, it was his idea to do a concept album based on that.
there is no fault with the lyrical content or the vocals. So I give it 10. // 10
Impression: If you compare the album to the past 5 albums from Avenged ( Sounding The Seventh Trumpet, Waking The Fallen, City Of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold, Diamonds in The Rough) it sits somewhere between DITR and COF in my opinion, in some respects it's different and slightly progressive of them, but every song is radio friendly and there's nothing to offend.
The best songs on this particular album are (in my opinion), Welcome To The Family, Buried Alive, Nightmare, Save Me.
If the album was stolen I probably would buy it again, not on the strength of the album, but purely because if it's not there my A7X CD's would have one missing.
Overall the album gets 9/10. its good, regardless of the bad points.
Soon after completing the album they released the opening song of the album: "Nightmare". The song was met with mixed reviews. Despite the mass split of opinions, the song captured all the best bits of Avenged Sevenfold's unique sound. It kept the dark, ominous feeling that surrounds most of Avenged's newer work and in captures the crunching guitar tone that is present in "City Of Evil."
The vocals were somewhat disappointing however, as a lot of Matt's singing becomes throaty and groggy at parts. The absence of Matt's screaming in "Waking the fallen" is also disappointing as the anticipation for this album has been growing increasingly since the release of their last album "Avenged Sevenfold", and alot of fans were hoping that Matt would go back to his roots at some point and scream in some form.
Many could accuse Mike Portnoy of not following the Rev's style of drumming, but this could just be the fact that fans are just wanting to pick holes in the style of his drumming, simply because they miss the rev.
Overall, the opening song definitely sets the mood for the rest of the album.=9/10
"Welcome To The Family" is the second song on the album, which is reminiscent of the "Waking The Fallen song", Remenissions and also of "Avenged Sevenfold's", critical acclaim. A very riff driven verse and a melodic chorus and a very dark and harbouring bridge. The solo kicks in at 2.14, and is once again very reminiscent of "Critical acclaim". A harmonising phrase followed by a very fast alternative picked phrase.
After the first two songs you can tell this album is a compilation of Avenged's best parts. = 9/10
"Danger Line" is the third song on the album. The opening is a military style drum and guitar line. The chorus is somewhat similar to the kind they incorporated in "Waking The Fallen" and "City Of Evil", fast paced with guitars playing melodically in the background. The true highlight of this song takes place from 2:40, where the softer side of the album is first explored. With meaningful lyrics and a strong guitar part to accompany, the song then goes into a soft piano interlude, which is sure to give you goosebumps. The military theme present in the song unveils itself again with a military drum beat which is followed by a melodic solo. The song is finished by again the military style drums, and a peculiar "whistle" solo. =7/10
"Buried alive" is the fourth song and is the second single to have been released. A clear influence from early Metallica is established throughout, starting off with a soft harmonising solo. The chorus is the best part of the whole song, with a strong guitar riff which heavily emphasises the lyrics of the chorus, which is altogether further emphasised by the softness of the verses. This song is the most reminiscent of "City Of Evil", due to the tone of the vocals and overall tone of the song. A very Metallica sounding riff is present in the bridge after the solo. You can almost put Kirk Hammets famous grunts and "yeahs" on the track. But this is split up by an Avenged sounding build up of octaves, but is once again hindered by a Metallica sounding solo from Gates. The outro is definitely Metallica influenced. Overall this song is disappointing, but they should get appraisal for the fact that they tried something new. =5/10
"Natural born killer" is one of the best songs on the album, beginning with a riff that is definitely influenced by Waking The Fallen. The chorus is a clear highlight of the song, with a powerful meaning behind the lyrics and a very tasteful riff played by the guitar. Both solos are also highlights, with both being similar to the kind played in the CD/DVD "Diamonds in the rough". Worth listening to. =10/10
"So Far Away" is yet another shining diamond in the album. Similar to seize the day from "City Of Evil", this song is worth listening to. With a solo that will make the hair on your neck stand on end, a soft guitar part in the background that compliments the clean vocals and meaningful lyrics this is Avenged at their best. =9/10
"God hates us" is the heaviest song Avenged have ever released. Starting off with soft guitars you think this is yet again another slow song, but you couldnt be more wrong. The song immediately goes into a heavy riff with Lamb of god style drums. This whole song is clearly influenced by Lamb of god, as all guitar tones and vocal tones sound incredibly similar. The only riff that doesn't resemble Lamb of god is the chorus riff, which is more similar to the groove orientated song "Scream" from the previous album. This signals a welcomed return to "Waking the fallen" style vocals, but with much deeper, darker, growling vocals. The heavy bridge signals an return to the even earlier album "Sounding the seventh trumpet", with a somewhat slow, heavily palm muted guitar part, which the drums and vocals compliment well. The solo is one of the best on the album that goes incredibly well with the rhythm guitar and with the song as a whole. 9/10
"Victim" begins with another soft guitar phrase which is backed by a scat singer. You can tell from the start that this is yet again another good attempt at something different for Avenged Sevenfold. Given the loss of the Rev before the album was completed, you could say this song is about the Rev, with Matt feeling as though James being taken away from him is a crime, and a crime to everyone who knew him, as a fan or personally. You can truly feel the emotional state of mind in which Avenged wrote the whole album. However, the only downside is the tone of the vocals, which remains a problem throughout the whole album. At parts Matt's voice seems hoarse and throaty, which is disappointing given the potential quality of the song.= 7/10
"Tonight the world dies" starts off with another acoustic guitar part, such as in "City of Evil." This is another song which could be considered to be about the Rev, as though the band regrets the choices made in their earlier days which they feel lead to The revs overdoes in present days. A certain empathy is created whilst listening to this song, and you can feel the evident atmosphere of regret and sorrow that the band clearly wished to define. The downside to this song is once again the tone of the vocals, and also the lyrics to the chorus. They don't seem as strong as the rest of the choruses in the album, and clearly falls away from the normal large, epic choruses that is common to Avenged Sevenfold songs.=6/10
"Fiction" is the only song Avenged Sevenfold have ever created that doesn't have any guitar part to it. And they don't need it for this song either, I'd like to point out. A truly melodic song, with a surprising presence of The Rev's singing throughout. A lot of anticipation was created for this song after The Rev claimed it was his masterpiece. The song does not fail to live up to this claim, and if you're a fan of Avenged Sevenfold, i suggest listening to this song. =10/10
"Save Me" is the longest song Avenged Sevenfold have ever created, unless you count "I won't see you tonight" part 1&2 as one entity. A good song to end an exceptional album on. Despite the frightening length, the song seems much shorter in reality, as everything is broken down into easy parts for us audiences. The guitar tone is perfect, and the backing vocals and lead vocals are balanced correctly. The drums could perhaps be different, such as in the verses where the other instruments are all playing something slow and mournful, but the drums pound ahead fearlessly. The song overall clearly shows all aspects of Avenged Sevenfold at their maximum potential. =10/10 // 8
Lyrics and Singing: Given that they lost The Rev before the album was fully completed, it is no surprise that Avenged Sevenfold have incorporated this loss into their songs. It is evident in both Victim and so So Far Away that this is exactly what they've done. The lyrics show both regret and remorse at the loss of someone close to the band. The mentality of the band whilst writing the album can clearly be seen within these two songs, they are both meaningful and deep, with the same dark unique sound that has been with Avenged Sevenfold since their beginning. The lyrics will surely appeal to both new and older fans of Avenged, as they can be applied to any loss that anyone has ever suffered, but also because older fans can relate to the loss the band has felt as they have lost a role model in the loss of The Rev.
However, incongruous to these meaningful, deep and heartfelt lyrics is the vocals themselves. The tone has regressed back to the tone heard in City Of Evil, which is all well and good given that this was the album that gave them mainstream success, but it still does not compliment the other instruments and their styles. In "Nightmare" the vocals become throaty and hoarse at parts throughout the song, and this seems to continue throughout the album. This is the major downside to the entire album. The only reprisal from these vocals is in the song "God Hates Us." The entire song is the heaviest song Avenged have ever produced, with screaming, deep vocals. Even within this song when Matt sings cleanly, the disappointing tone of the vocals can be heard. Overall, the singers skills do not compliment the quality of the songs on the album, which is sad given the potential that they could reach with a good tone = 7/10 // 7
Impression: Overall the album is a definitive statement within Avenged Sevenfold's career. It takes influences from all of Avenged's earlier albums, but unfortunately they take influence from some of the bad aspects present in their previous work. The main downside is the vocals, and some disappointing, flimsy guitar riffs, such as the verse riff for "Welcome To The Family." Even though the riff does go with the vocals and the song overall, it is still not what Avenged normally produces.
The album explores the emotional side of the band, combining meaningful lyrics to a good few slow songs. It is truly a journey throughout the album, going from the semi-heavy opener "Nightmare" to the dark melody that is "Save me." In between you have an assortment of different styles, ranging from Metallica to Lamb Of God. The softer side of Avenged can clearly be seen within this album.
Audiences can appraise the new styles attempted by Avenged, although they don't necessarily work out well with their dark hearted fare. The album clearly demonstrates their fearlessness at attempting new things whilst retaining their unique sound; their large melodic choruses and darker sounding vocals and atmosphere. There is some very impressive guitar solos, none quite holding a candle to their previous single "Afterlife", but still mind numbingly skill full all the same.
The album is good despite a few let downs, and I would definitely recommend this album to anyone.
Song to avoid = Buried Alive
Song to listen to = Fiction
Sound: As many people are aware, Avenged Sevenfold's Drummer The Reverend Tholemew Plague (AKA Jimmy Sullivan) died a year ago.
From that sad day for music in general Avenged have seemingly decided to mention the death at every possible opportunity in order to increase album sales (it seems). Even drafting in Mike Portnoy (one of The Rev's favourite drummers) to lay down the drum tracks on the album in question.
What does this have to do with the album itself? I'm sure you're asking this, well.
In short the album is nothing more than fairly average, it's a A7X album, end of, you could listen to the darker songs on previous albums and get roughly the same result.
The whole album is dark, very dark, centred around death, its a concept that flows throughout the entire record. As for musicality there's nothing your typical Avenged listener won't have heard before. Unless you look more into the songs themselves.
The title track Nightmare is simplistic in itself, but does what it sets out to do, set the album up, and it does so perfectly, the chromatic intro gives the song a darker feel, whilst in the bridges the guitars use minor intervals in their harmonies of this descending line to create even more unease in the song. Lyrically it seems to centre around a feeling that you can't escape. guilt possibly with the lyric (you should have known the price of evil)
The second track 'Welcome To The Family' is started with a simpler version of Dream Theatre's 'Honor Thy Father' drum fill, followed by a equally similar ossinato pattern in the guitar. (Portnoy influence maybe). After this DT reference, it follows a similar pattern to majority of the City Of Evil album, catchy vocals, pleasing guitar patterns, and a drum beat that seeks to impress as well as keep a pulse. The solo is a typical Synyster solo, fast, chromatic at times and flashy, shred in its purest form. This track is 100% radio friendly A7X.
The third track is Danger Line, the track starts with a Bolero style snare pattern (also a marching band style pattern), followed by a intro solo. the main part of the song has a very similar melody to Nothing to Say from Slash's Solo effort (which M Shadows did vocals for). The chorus has a feel of Lost from the self titled album (minus the Vocoder), the song is very reminiscent of the mainstream Avenged.
Track 4 is Buried Alive which is Avenged going back to something I personally think they do rather well, clean intro and verses and overdriven chorus' (I.E a grunge style of song). this song is obviously about how the band felt about the passing of The Rev, and there is a quiver in Shadow's voice throughout, which is understandable and also very sentimental, and adds a different side to the rather thug like persona of the Waking The Fallen Avenged Sevenfold.
Natural Born Killer, is a thrash metal style track made to fit Avenged, Shadows vocals start with a low growl, then its back to business with his shouted style of vocal from City of Evil and Avenged Sevenfold (no real screams yet). the song flows into a slower pre chorus and chorus, then back into the fast paced verse. Song works well for Shadow's style of vocal, and sounds like something Avenged should write more of, even though the mini bridge riffs are reminiscent of Almost Easy from the self titled.
So Far Away, This is another lighter song, flows rather similarly to Dear God in style, instrumentation. nothing special but a nice song nonetheless.
God Hates Us, this is the song Shadows promised screaming on, and he barely delivers, a mid growl is what you get, so unfortunately for the fans of his high pitched screams (as on Sounding The Seventh Trumpet and Waking The Fallen) you won't be disappointed in what you hear, yet you'll want him to go higher, and where it sounds as though it should. it just doesn't which is a shame. The rest of this song is filled with a fast riffs, double kick all for most and a rather impressive dual solo, which based purely on tone seems to be being lead by Zacky (who did all solos on Sounding the Seventh Trumpet [except To End The Rapture]) then Synyster takes over with some Divebombs and various other techniques.
Victim, This song is the final song that The Rev wrote (3 days after finishing this he passed away). The song is seemingly Shadow's hardest song to sing, his voice is throwing deep sadness throughout, and in the first chorus a sniff is audible. This adds to the song's nature and also allows for the song to breathe and reminisce about the band and to allow the listener to think about the various aspects of the band, which are all apparent within this one song.
Tonight The World Dies, it's one of those songs you listen to but don't really notice it, it's good but its not one you can actively listen to.
Fiction, This song has no Guitar whatsoever (shock horror) however it does have piano/strings (synthed)/drums and ... for the best part... The Rev doing the main vocal, doubled by Shadows, It's the only song on the album that seems to come from the heart. The Rev evidently wrote the song, and it seems to have been written from beyond the grave, 'I've found a place to rest my head' 'though I may be hard to find', the lyrics lend itself to the eeriness of the instrumentation. and also the voice you hear. almost a year after his death you find him singing on a track.
Save Me. This song for me is totally different from Avenged Sevenfold, and personally sounds like a track Portnoy has written for DT, everything would fit perfectly in DT's song catalogue. There is not a single part that sounds detracted from DT, with exception to the vocals.
Overall I give the Album 8, it's good but not quite as good as the previous albums. // 8
Lyrics and Singing: Shadow's has the unique ability to make anything work with anything. its amazing to listen to how he can manipulate his voice, words and melodies to make them fit over the harmony underneath.
In Fiction, The Rev having seemingly written the song, has a very good understanding of the melody, Shadows seems to be hanging back and allowing The Rev's voice to be heard over his, opting to play a backing role rather than his usual powerful style.
The lyrics all centre in some way or another to death, as was the original concept to the album, even before The Rev's passing, it was his idea to do a concept album based on that.
there is no fault with the lyrical content or the vocals. So I give it 10. // 10
Impression: If you compare the album to the past 5 albums from Avenged ( Sounding The Seventh Trumpet, Waking The Fallen, City Of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold, Diamonds in The Rough) it sits somewhere between DITR and COF in my opinion, in some respects it's different and slightly progressive of them, but every song is radio friendly and there's nothing to offend.
The best songs on this particular album are (in my opinion), Welcome To The Family, Buried Alive, Nightmare, Save Me.
If the album was stolen I probably would buy it again, not on the strength of the album, but purely because if it's not there my A7X CD's would have one missing.
Overall the album gets 9/10. its good, regardless of the bad points.
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare I
December 28, 2009 - The lives of four men and countless others were forever changed when Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan passed away in his home in California. Avenged Sevenfold has come together through this tragedy to cement the Rev's legacy with their latest release, 'Nightmare.' This album is a pure roller coaster ride, going up and down between the radio A7X sound ('Nightmare'), the sorrowful A7X in the loss of a brother ("So Far Away"), and everything between.
The sound of this album is a very sorrowful tone. While the Rev contributed a lot to the songwriting of this album, his passing shows in the lyrics. A7X has created an album full of hard hitting songs that hearken back to the old sound ('God Hates Us') as well as creating a new, somber mood with their ballads. Songs such as 'So Far Awa,' 'Victim,' and 'Tonight the World Dies' all have a new tone to them. While there is no doubt that it is an A7X song, they have a new feel. They have a mood altering tone to them. One of grief, and of loss. The strongest ballad on this album, as far as sound and musical prose are concerned, is 'Buried Alive.' This song delves deep into the writing styles of every band member, finding new creative outlets. The angry bridge of the song brings back thoughts of an old Metallica styled angst.
Another song that will be a fan pleaser with this album is 'God Hates Us.' Shadows cites that bands such as Pantera helped inspire this song. Upon listening, any die hard Avenged Sevenfold fan will recognize the sound. The screaming, the heavy riffs; they all point back to Waking the Fallen's signature sound that has since disappeared.
The sound of this album is beyond measure. Avenged Sevenfold have truly outdone themselves with this heart-felt approach to song writing. One listen shows that without the Rev, the band is more passionate than ever with this album, and the sorrow from losing their brother is evident in every track. // 9
Lyrics and Singing: The lyrics on this album deviate from the past few albums. Mostly due to the Rev's passing, the lyrics take a dark tone. While he did write roughly 60% of the album, Johnny Christ stated in an interview that the lyrics for the album took a dark turn when the Rev died. 'God Hates Us' is a clear cut example of how angry the lyrics can get on this album. Shadows is still at the top of his game vocally, and delivers on every song. From their signature sound on 'Nightmare' to the emotional performances on 'So Far Away' and 'Fiction,' Avenged Sevenfold's lyrics are strong, and invoke many different emotions throughout the album.
One song in particular with extraordinary storytelling is 'Danger Line.' This song touches on the life of a soldier, and how he deals with the perils of war. The song tells the story of the soldier, and how he will miss his family in death. The lyrics are brought to life with Shadows' melody.
One major song to note on this album is 'Fiction.' Originally titled 'Death,' the Rev handed this song to the band 3 days before his death, and submitted it as his final song for the album. The lyrics are a haunting call, wishing everyone the best as the narrator passes on, hoping not to hurt or displace anyone who is affected by his death. The lyrics take on a controversial meaning to some, whether it was a suicide note or merely a narration conceived by Jimmy, but regardless, it is the most original track on the album. Featuring Jimmy's voice on the chorus, the song is a piano laden track using dissonance and perfect harmonies together to create a unique sound. Listening to the Rev sing his heart out and scream on this track is one of the hardest things for an A7X fan to hear, knowing it's the last track that they will ever hear his beautiful voice on ever again.
Overall, the lyrics and singing on this album are better than past attempts, and they even will please the old school fans with 'God Hates Us.' A7X have truly stepped up their game in order to honor their fallen brother. // 10
Impression: Overall, this album is the strongest outing yet from Avenged Sevenfold. While many fans may notice their are more ballads than previous albums, this is only natural due to their situation. This album was released in order to permanently set the Rev's legacy, and to allow fans to hear his final work. With Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater stepping in to record Jimmy's tracks, the album will get every fan's approval, and will keep the Rev forever in their hearts...
James Owen Sullivan, "The Rev"
February 9, 1981 – December 28, 2009
Life may fade, but the memories never will. A7X has lost a brother. The fans lost a legend. Rest in Peace, until that day when we all meet in the afterlife.
Avenged Sevenfold is back but looking a little different. Their newest record "Nightmare" is the first one not to feature Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan on drums due to his very tragic death in December of last year. In his place, Avenged Sevenfold recruited Dream Theatre drummer Mike Portnoy to fill in on a temporary basis.
Musically this is definitely A7Xs heaviest album and under these tragic circumstances by far their most emotional.
01. Nightmare: the title track begins with what sounds like bells and then explodes into a heavy intro complete with guitar, bass, and drums which is followed by M Shadows screaming NIGHTMARE. Personally, I think this was the perfect song to start off the allbum because it really gets you pumped up for the rest of the album and it is sure to be a crowd pleaser live. 10/10
02. Welcome to the Family: one of the lighter songs on the album but still a fantastic song, it sounds slightly like Blinded in Chains from their City of Evil CD. The guitar solo by Synyster is also fantastic. 9/10
03. Danger Line: the first few seconds of this song sounds almost identical to Blinded in Chains from City of Evil. Personally I think its a pretty good song but I just can't help but feel it is a little misplaced I think it sounds more like a song you would find on City of Evil. 8/10
04. Buried Alive: an interesting song, the intro is somewhat unconventional but once the drums kick in Synyster blesses us with a wonderful melodic solo that is sure to get emotions running. M Shadows really shows off his emotional side in this song with his vocal performance it really makes you want to tear up a little bit. The Solo while it is good went a little downhill for me at about 4:25, something about it just doesn't seem to fit well with the song but thats just my opinion. 9/10
05. Natural Born Killer: A7X jumps right back into heaviness with this song, its a very catchy tune that is both heavy and melodic at the same time. Synyster also shows off his shredding skills on the solo which kind of reminded me of Alexi Laiho's playing. 9/10
06. So Far Away: the first song on the album that really shows how much this band misses their fallen brother. this song was written by Synyster and really pulls on your heart strings especially the part in the chorus that goes
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.
the song is made even better with the very emotional yet short solo by Gates. 10/10
07. God Hates Us: by far the heaviest and angriest track on the album this song is about wondering how such evil and pain exist if there really is a God somewhere. 10/10
08. Victim: starts off with church bells and some guitar work before a high pitched wail kicks in but don't let it put you off, this song is another emotional roller coaster that is sure to draw a few tears when listening to it. It is truly a song that expresses how the band felt emotionally after losing their drummer. 10/10
09. Tonight the World Dies: yet another fantastic and emotional song that begins with a blues like lick from gates but eventually moves into a soft ballad type song with blues licks spread out between Shadows' singing. 9/10
10. Fiction: the last song Jimmy handed in before his death and the only one to feature his vocals aside from his small part in "Save Me". Now a lot of people have criticized this song as being the worst on the album and while it may be different and unconventional I think its is the one of the best songs on the album and I think that the band did Jimmy a great honour by keeping his vocals on the track. 10/10
11. Save Me: the final and longest song on the record clocking in at just under 11 minutes, to me this was the perfect song to close off the album. its a song that says that the band is nowhere near over the loss of their drummer but can have solace knowing that they have done him a great honour by releasing this record as a tribute to his memory. 10/10 // 10
Lyrics and Singing: Lyrically this album is the darkest and most emotional of any of A7X's previous records and singer M Shadows does a wonderful job of expressing these emotions through his singing. // 10
Impression: Nightmare is a wonderful album and A7X should be commended for working though their heartbreaking loss and putting out this record in Honour of The Rev. Long-time fans of the band will really enjoy this album and will really get an emotional rush from some of the songs because of the subject matter they revolve around. If your not a hardcore fan then you may not get wrapped up in all the emotion that surrounds this album.
Well to start off I think this CD expands on Sevenfold's sound a lot, I think it combines all their previous stuff such as God hates us which sounds more like something off of Sounding the Seventh trumpet with the screaming M. Shadows does but also has it's softer sides such as So Far Away which is a song written specificly to Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan after his death this past year (2009). I think the biggest departure is Fiction which is a song Jimmy wrote three days before his death, his vocals are still in the song which I think fit perfectly and it's really kind of a farewell song to Jimmy, which fits very well. Synyster Gates also returns to his kind of trademark awesome guitar solos like the ones he had in City of Evil, the most notable guitar solo in my eyes is in the song Buried Alive, which starts out slow with sort of a Led Zepplin vibe then halfway through the song the guitar solo kicks in and kicks major ass, which then makes a smooth transfer to a more Metallica sounding second half. Overall I love the way the album sounds. // 10
Lyrics and Singing: The lyrics to most songs are written as a memorial for Jimmy so most of the songs have to do with metaphors about death and pain and I think it fits since they lost one of their brothers and this is their way of showing him respect. M. Shadows singing skills are basiclly the same as they were on the self titled album, which isn't a bad thing at all but he does make one big departure he hasn't made since Waking The Fallen... Yes, the album has a song with screaming vocals. On the song God Hates Us M. Shadows decides to use screaming vocals to show his emotion but they aren't his usual screaming style, instead of going with a higher-pitched scream he uses a lower-pitched scream, almost like a Bullet For my Vallentine type scream, which I think suits the song very well. The lyrics are a good tribute to Jimmy and if you wanna relive the good old days listen to God Hates Us and take in all the glory. // 10
Impression: This CD doesn't really compare to their other albums, I think they were in a much darker place after the death of Jimmy which shows itself in songs like God Hates Us and Natural Borl Killers which results in it being much heavier. The songs I like the most from the disk are Nightmare, Buried Alive, Natural Born Killer, God Hates Us, Fiction, and Save Me, though I give all the songs a 10 those songs stick out the most to me. If this CD was lost or stolen I would definately buy another copy and hurt whoever stole it from me. There is nothing bad about this CD in my eyes, the A7X guys definately do Jimmy justice in this CD, if you are an A7X fan you have to get this to keep Jimmy's memory alive, and even if your not get this CD and give these guys a chance, I guarentee you will not be disappointed. // 10
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overall: 8.3
Reviewed by: maiden7x, on july 31, 2010
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Sound: When the passing of Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan was announced back in December of 2009, I was one of the many Avenged Sevenfold fans who spent hours on end searching for news of the situation; i.e., how Sulivan passed, the status of their unfinished record, and even whether or not they would continue on as a band and finish said record. After many weeks of tense waiting, the band announced that they would, in fact, complete the album (with the help of Sullivan's favorite drummer, Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater), but that the band's future remained in question.
While the future of the band is still somewhat uncertain, their new album, Nightmare, is not. It clearly embraces the shock and sorrow felt after Sullivan's death, with a darker sound and much more personal lyrics. While the effort put forth by the band to complete this album in Sullivan's memory is commendable, the end result was, for me, a little dissapointing.
Now, my dissapointment mainly comes from the album's production. The guitar sounds a bit too generic, especially in songs like "Buried Alive" and the beginning of "Danger Line". Johnny Christ's bass sounds very muddy in the title track "Nightmare", and in "Natural Born Killer". Drums are spot on; Mike Portnoy does an excellent job replicating Sullivan's drumming style, preserving one of the cornerstones of Avenged Sevenfold's signature sound. Vocals are also very good; the biggest complaints I have are the sections of "Fiction" (Sullivan's last song; his vocals are also in the song) where M. Shadows' voice is made to sound more like that of Sullivan, and the Death metal-like vocals in "God Hates Us", which also sound very doctored; however, this is still probably the best vocal performance by M. Shadows to date.
Because the band decided to rewrite the lyrics of some songs after Sullivan's death, but retain the ones they felt he liked most, the lyrical themes may be confusing to some; however, this is hardly noticable. What IS noticable, however, is the trauma felt by the band in rewriting these lyrics; these are some of the most heartfelt lyrics the band has ever put out. Things get very personal in these lyrics; everything from the loss of a best friend, to waking up feeling forever alone, even anger and hostility towards God himself. Very raw, very personal, very impressive. // 10
Impression: Overall, this album is very well done and will make a very good addition to any Avenged Sevenfold fan's collection. Some of the band's best work is present here. Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance have clearly worked for hours on these guitar licks, Johnny Christ holds down a solid bass line, Mike Portnoy does incredibly on the drums, and M. Shadows wows once again vocally and lyrically. I only wish it had been produced better; perhaps next time (if indeed there is a "next time"), the band should bring back Andrew Mudrock, producer from their 2005 breakout "City of Evil" (my personal favorite album of theirs), or even self-produce, as they did on their 2007 self-titled ablum.
The sound of this album is a very sorrowful tone. While the Rev contributed a lot to the songwriting of this album, his passing shows in the lyrics. A7X has created an album full of hard hitting songs that hearken back to the old sound ('God Hates Us') as well as creating a new, somber mood with their ballads. Songs such as 'So Far Awa,' 'Victim,' and 'Tonight the World Dies' all have a new tone to them. While there is no doubt that it is an A7X song, they have a new feel. They have a mood altering tone to them. One of grief, and of loss. The strongest ballad on this album, as far as sound and musical prose are concerned, is 'Buried Alive.' This song delves deep into the writing styles of every band member, finding new creative outlets. The angry bridge of the song brings back thoughts of an old Metallica styled angst.
Another song that will be a fan pleaser with this album is 'God Hates Us.' Shadows cites that bands such as Pantera helped inspire this song. Upon listening, any die hard Avenged Sevenfold fan will recognize the sound. The screaming, the heavy riffs; they all point back to Waking the Fallen's signature sound that has since disappeared.
The sound of this album is beyond measure. Avenged Sevenfold have truly outdone themselves with this heart-felt approach to song writing. One listen shows that without the Rev, the band is more passionate than ever with this album, and the sorrow from losing their brother is evident in every track. // 9
Lyrics and Singing: The lyrics on this album deviate from the past few albums. Mostly due to the Rev's passing, the lyrics take a dark tone. While he did write roughly 60% of the album, Johnny Christ stated in an interview that the lyrics for the album took a dark turn when the Rev died. 'God Hates Us' is a clear cut example of how angry the lyrics can get on this album. Shadows is still at the top of his game vocally, and delivers on every song. From their signature sound on 'Nightmare' to the emotional performances on 'So Far Away' and 'Fiction,' Avenged Sevenfold's lyrics are strong, and invoke many different emotions throughout the album.
One song in particular with extraordinary storytelling is 'Danger Line.' This song touches on the life of a soldier, and how he deals with the perils of war. The song tells the story of the soldier, and how he will miss his family in death. The lyrics are brought to life with Shadows' melody.
One major song to note on this album is 'Fiction.' Originally titled 'Death,' the Rev handed this song to the band 3 days before his death, and submitted it as his final song for the album. The lyrics are a haunting call, wishing everyone the best as the narrator passes on, hoping not to hurt or displace anyone who is affected by his death. The lyrics take on a controversial meaning to some, whether it was a suicide note or merely a narration conceived by Jimmy, but regardless, it is the most original track on the album. Featuring Jimmy's voice on the chorus, the song is a piano laden track using dissonance and perfect harmonies together to create a unique sound. Listening to the Rev sing his heart out and scream on this track is one of the hardest things for an A7X fan to hear, knowing it's the last track that they will ever hear his beautiful voice on ever again.
Overall, the lyrics and singing on this album are better than past attempts, and they even will please the old school fans with 'God Hates Us.' A7X have truly stepped up their game in order to honor their fallen brother. // 10
Impression: Overall, this album is the strongest outing yet from Avenged Sevenfold. While many fans may notice their are more ballads than previous albums, this is only natural due to their situation. This album was released in order to permanently set the Rev's legacy, and to allow fans to hear his final work. With Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater stepping in to record Jimmy's tracks, the album will get every fan's approval, and will keep the Rev forever in their hearts...
James Owen Sullivan, "The Rev"
February 9, 1981 – December 28, 2009
Life may fade, but the memories never will. A7X has lost a brother. The fans lost a legend. Rest in Peace, until that day when we all meet in the afterlife.
Avenged Sevenfold is back but looking a little different. Their newest record "Nightmare" is the first one not to feature Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan on drums due to his very tragic death in December of last year. In his place, Avenged Sevenfold recruited Dream Theatre drummer Mike Portnoy to fill in on a temporary basis.
Musically this is definitely A7Xs heaviest album and under these tragic circumstances by far their most emotional.
01. Nightmare: the title track begins with what sounds like bells and then explodes into a heavy intro complete with guitar, bass, and drums which is followed by M Shadows screaming NIGHTMARE. Personally, I think this was the perfect song to start off the allbum because it really gets you pumped up for the rest of the album and it is sure to be a crowd pleaser live. 10/10
02. Welcome to the Family: one of the lighter songs on the album but still a fantastic song, it sounds slightly like Blinded in Chains from their City of Evil CD. The guitar solo by Synyster is also fantastic. 9/10
03. Danger Line: the first few seconds of this song sounds almost identical to Blinded in Chains from City of Evil. Personally I think its a pretty good song but I just can't help but feel it is a little misplaced I think it sounds more like a song you would find on City of Evil. 8/10
04. Buried Alive: an interesting song, the intro is somewhat unconventional but once the drums kick in Synyster blesses us with a wonderful melodic solo that is sure to get emotions running. M Shadows really shows off his emotional side in this song with his vocal performance it really makes you want to tear up a little bit. The Solo while it is good went a little downhill for me at about 4:25, something about it just doesn't seem to fit well with the song but thats just my opinion. 9/10
05. Natural Born Killer: A7X jumps right back into heaviness with this song, its a very catchy tune that is both heavy and melodic at the same time. Synyster also shows off his shredding skills on the solo which kind of reminded me of Alexi Laiho's playing. 9/10
06. So Far Away: the first song on the album that really shows how much this band misses their fallen brother. this song was written by Synyster and really pulls on your heart strings especially the part in the chorus that goes
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.
the song is made even better with the very emotional yet short solo by Gates. 10/10
07. God Hates Us: by far the heaviest and angriest track on the album this song is about wondering how such evil and pain exist if there really is a God somewhere. 10/10
08. Victim: starts off with church bells and some guitar work before a high pitched wail kicks in but don't let it put you off, this song is another emotional roller coaster that is sure to draw a few tears when listening to it. It is truly a song that expresses how the band felt emotionally after losing their drummer. 10/10
09. Tonight the World Dies: yet another fantastic and emotional song that begins with a blues like lick from gates but eventually moves into a soft ballad type song with blues licks spread out between Shadows' singing. 9/10
10. Fiction: the last song Jimmy handed in before his death and the only one to feature his vocals aside from his small part in "Save Me". Now a lot of people have criticized this song as being the worst on the album and while it may be different and unconventional I think its is the one of the best songs on the album and I think that the band did Jimmy a great honour by keeping his vocals on the track. 10/10
11. Save Me: the final and longest song on the record clocking in at just under 11 minutes, to me this was the perfect song to close off the album. its a song that says that the band is nowhere near over the loss of their drummer but can have solace knowing that they have done him a great honour by releasing this record as a tribute to his memory. 10/10 // 10
Lyrics and Singing: Lyrically this album is the darkest and most emotional of any of A7X's previous records and singer M Shadows does a wonderful job of expressing these emotions through his singing. // 10
Impression: Nightmare is a wonderful album and A7X should be commended for working though their heartbreaking loss and putting out this record in Honour of The Rev. Long-time fans of the band will really enjoy this album and will really get an emotional rush from some of the songs because of the subject matter they revolve around. If your not a hardcore fan then you may not get wrapped up in all the emotion that surrounds this album.
Well to start off I think this CD expands on Sevenfold's sound a lot, I think it combines all their previous stuff such as God hates us which sounds more like something off of Sounding the Seventh trumpet with the screaming M. Shadows does but also has it's softer sides such as So Far Away which is a song written specificly to Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan after his death this past year (2009). I think the biggest departure is Fiction which is a song Jimmy wrote three days before his death, his vocals are still in the song which I think fit perfectly and it's really kind of a farewell song to Jimmy, which fits very well. Synyster Gates also returns to his kind of trademark awesome guitar solos like the ones he had in City of Evil, the most notable guitar solo in my eyes is in the song Buried Alive, which starts out slow with sort of a Led Zepplin vibe then halfway through the song the guitar solo kicks in and kicks major ass, which then makes a smooth transfer to a more Metallica sounding second half. Overall I love the way the album sounds. // 10
Lyrics and Singing: The lyrics to most songs are written as a memorial for Jimmy so most of the songs have to do with metaphors about death and pain and I think it fits since they lost one of their brothers and this is their way of showing him respect. M. Shadows singing skills are basiclly the same as they were on the self titled album, which isn't a bad thing at all but he does make one big departure he hasn't made since Waking The Fallen... Yes, the album has a song with screaming vocals. On the song God Hates Us M. Shadows decides to use screaming vocals to show his emotion but they aren't his usual screaming style, instead of going with a higher-pitched scream he uses a lower-pitched scream, almost like a Bullet For my Vallentine type scream, which I think suits the song very well. The lyrics are a good tribute to Jimmy and if you wanna relive the good old days listen to God Hates Us and take in all the glory. // 10
Impression: This CD doesn't really compare to their other albums, I think they were in a much darker place after the death of Jimmy which shows itself in songs like God Hates Us and Natural Borl Killers which results in it being much heavier. The songs I like the most from the disk are Nightmare, Buried Alive, Natural Born Killer, God Hates Us, Fiction, and Save Me, though I give all the songs a 10 those songs stick out the most to me. If this CD was lost or stolen I would definately buy another copy and hurt whoever stole it from me. There is nothing bad about this CD in my eyes, the A7X guys definately do Jimmy justice in this CD, if you are an A7X fan you have to get this to keep Jimmy's memory alive, and even if your not get this CD and give these guys a chance, I guarentee you will not be disappointed. // 10
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overall: 8.3
Reviewed by: maiden7x, on july 31, 2010
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Sound: When the passing of Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan was announced back in December of 2009, I was one of the many Avenged Sevenfold fans who spent hours on end searching for news of the situation; i.e., how Sulivan passed, the status of their unfinished record, and even whether or not they would continue on as a band and finish said record. After many weeks of tense waiting, the band announced that they would, in fact, complete the album (with the help of Sullivan's favorite drummer, Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater), but that the band's future remained in question.
While the future of the band is still somewhat uncertain, their new album, Nightmare, is not. It clearly embraces the shock and sorrow felt after Sullivan's death, with a darker sound and much more personal lyrics. While the effort put forth by the band to complete this album in Sullivan's memory is commendable, the end result was, for me, a little dissapointing.
Now, my dissapointment mainly comes from the album's production. The guitar sounds a bit too generic, especially in songs like "Buried Alive" and the beginning of "Danger Line". Johnny Christ's bass sounds very muddy in the title track "Nightmare", and in "Natural Born Killer". Drums are spot on; Mike Portnoy does an excellent job replicating Sullivan's drumming style, preserving one of the cornerstones of Avenged Sevenfold's signature sound. Vocals are also very good; the biggest complaints I have are the sections of "Fiction" (Sullivan's last song; his vocals are also in the song) where M. Shadows' voice is made to sound more like that of Sullivan, and the Death metal-like vocals in "God Hates Us", which also sound very doctored; however, this is still probably the best vocal performance by M. Shadows to date.
Because the band decided to rewrite the lyrics of some songs after Sullivan's death, but retain the ones they felt he liked most, the lyrical themes may be confusing to some; however, this is hardly noticable. What IS noticable, however, is the trauma felt by the band in rewriting these lyrics; these are some of the most heartfelt lyrics the band has ever put out. Things get very personal in these lyrics; everything from the loss of a best friend, to waking up feeling forever alone, even anger and hostility towards God himself. Very raw, very personal, very impressive. // 10
Impression: Overall, this album is very well done and will make a very good addition to any Avenged Sevenfold fan's collection. Some of the band's best work is present here. Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance have clearly worked for hours on these guitar licks, Johnny Christ holds down a solid bass line, Mike Portnoy does incredibly on the drums, and M. Shadows wows once again vocally and lyrically. I only wish it had been produced better; perhaps next time (if indeed there is a "next time"), the band should bring back Andrew Mudrock, producer from their 2005 breakout "City of Evil" (my personal favorite album of theirs), or even self-produce, as they did on their 2007 self-titled ablum.
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
Released: Jul 27, 2010
Genre: Heavy metal, alternative metal, hard rock
Label: Warner Bros.
Number Of Tracks: 11
In the wake of their drummer's tragic and untimely passing, Avenged Sevenfold rise to the occasion and make one of their strongest albums in one of the most vulnerable periods in their history.
Sound: Let’s get this out of the way first: Nightmare is Avenged Sevenfold’s first record since the tragic death of their drummer, Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. The band recruited Dream Theater’s Mike Portnoy to fill in on the record (and for their upcoming tour dates.) Given the fact that A7X were always some of the most skilled players who came up in an era when metal bands didn’t know how to play their instruments, much less solo or pull off intricate parts, Portnoy fits the band perfectly and the band stays true to the same sound they’ve been crafting since the early ‘00s. Throughout their career (and their successes), many have taken to hating on the band, as they were dangerous in their image, proudly not givin’ a f--k like a modern Guns N’ Roses or, well, Eminem! Many people, namely early fans or those who like to shit talk and care about concepts more than reality, felt the band was abandoning some imagined hardcore roots, when in reality, A7X were never a hardcore band that pledged any allegiance to that scene; they were taking Iron Maiden-riffs and in turn screaming and singing over them, coming up with a modern and unheard of sound from the very beginning, so no one I quite sure how “hardcore” got thrown into the mix! That said, Nightmare reminds me of a mix of Waking the Fallen, which is my favorite A7X record, and City of Evil, their commercial breakthrough which allowed them to graduate to the next level of success. Nightmare is crisp and clean; you could perform surgery using this record since it’s so clean-sounding. But it’s not sterile. Their is so much emotion coursing through the album and follows the A7X formula of noodly riffs and longer-than-normally-radio-friendly-songs with a melodically accessible bend. The title track is spooky and creepy with its key opening and it could easily have been used in the reboot of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, while “Buried Alive” and “Welcome the Family” will remind one of Metallica and/or Guns N’ Roses. The band mixes ballads with ragers and “God Hates Us” feels like a bit of a nod to Slayer, who have an album named God Hates Us All and it’s easily one of the album’s most gnarly tracks which feel like a series of kicks to the taint. A7X haven’t sounded this angry in quite some time and they have reason and right to use the vehicle of their music for that catharsis. Go ahead, guys. You deserve it. “Natural Born Killer” also kicked my ass to the curb and left me in a heaving pile with its bluster. // 9
Lyrics and Singing: Vocalist M Shadows is a triple threat and he certainly positions himself like a young, hungry James Hetfield. He can sing, scream and employ the mid-level growl that shows just enough teeth to elicit a fleeting “fight or flight” response, but in the end, you’ll stick around and listen, because while his voice asserts itself, it’s not intimidating. This quality is what made Metallica songs great – to straddle the line between aggressive and appealing without sacrificing any of the song’s heft and ferocity- and A7X have found a way to do just that. They take that formula and shape it to their sound. Shadows can sing and scream, and he mostly sings, but he’s got enough power in his voice so the heaviness is never sacrificed even when he lets his voice soar. When he sings, “God save us” and then “God hates us” in the same chorus on “God Hates Us,” I can practically feel his spit hitting me in the face. He’s getting the red out and he’s never sounded stronger. All the “kids” who thought A7X were “selling out” when they chose to sing more need to be knocked off their soapboxes with a swift kick. Rare is the band that can scream less and sound heavier, but A7X does that with Nightmare. // 9
Impression: The Tim Burton-style artwork. The darkly romantic imagery. The element of danger. The squalling guitars. The Iron Maiden influence. The groundswell of emotion from losing their drummer while writing the album. Those are all the batteries that power up Nightmare. Much of the album reminds me of the best parts of Waking the Fallen, which in my opinion, was all great parts! It’s heavy. It’s melodic. It mixes the two without any sort of detraction from the other. It’s seamless. It’s like a modern version of Metallica and Guns N’ Roses. And those are never bad things. But lest we forget: it’s still Avenged Sevenfold doing what they’ve always done and sticking to their own musical vision.
Genre: Heavy metal, alternative metal, hard rock
Label: Warner Bros.
Number Of Tracks: 11
In the wake of their drummer's tragic and untimely passing, Avenged Sevenfold rise to the occasion and make one of their strongest albums in one of the most vulnerable periods in their history.
Sound: Let’s get this out of the way first: Nightmare is Avenged Sevenfold’s first record since the tragic death of their drummer, Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. The band recruited Dream Theater’s Mike Portnoy to fill in on the record (and for their upcoming tour dates.) Given the fact that A7X were always some of the most skilled players who came up in an era when metal bands didn’t know how to play their instruments, much less solo or pull off intricate parts, Portnoy fits the band perfectly and the band stays true to the same sound they’ve been crafting since the early ‘00s. Throughout their career (and their successes), many have taken to hating on the band, as they were dangerous in their image, proudly not givin’ a f--k like a modern Guns N’ Roses or, well, Eminem! Many people, namely early fans or those who like to shit talk and care about concepts more than reality, felt the band was abandoning some imagined hardcore roots, when in reality, A7X were never a hardcore band that pledged any allegiance to that scene; they were taking Iron Maiden-riffs and in turn screaming and singing over them, coming up with a modern and unheard of sound from the very beginning, so no one I quite sure how “hardcore” got thrown into the mix! That said, Nightmare reminds me of a mix of Waking the Fallen, which is my favorite A7X record, and City of Evil, their commercial breakthrough which allowed them to graduate to the next level of success. Nightmare is crisp and clean; you could perform surgery using this record since it’s so clean-sounding. But it’s not sterile. Their is so much emotion coursing through the album and follows the A7X formula of noodly riffs and longer-than-normally-radio-friendly-songs with a melodically accessible bend. The title track is spooky and creepy with its key opening and it could easily have been used in the reboot of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, while “Buried Alive” and “Welcome the Family” will remind one of Metallica and/or Guns N’ Roses. The band mixes ballads with ragers and “God Hates Us” feels like a bit of a nod to Slayer, who have an album named God Hates Us All and it’s easily one of the album’s most gnarly tracks which feel like a series of kicks to the taint. A7X haven’t sounded this angry in quite some time and they have reason and right to use the vehicle of their music for that catharsis. Go ahead, guys. You deserve it. “Natural Born Killer” also kicked my ass to the curb and left me in a heaving pile with its bluster. // 9
Lyrics and Singing: Vocalist M Shadows is a triple threat and he certainly positions himself like a young, hungry James Hetfield. He can sing, scream and employ the mid-level growl that shows just enough teeth to elicit a fleeting “fight or flight” response, but in the end, you’ll stick around and listen, because while his voice asserts itself, it’s not intimidating. This quality is what made Metallica songs great – to straddle the line between aggressive and appealing without sacrificing any of the song’s heft and ferocity- and A7X have found a way to do just that. They take that formula and shape it to their sound. Shadows can sing and scream, and he mostly sings, but he’s got enough power in his voice so the heaviness is never sacrificed even when he lets his voice soar. When he sings, “God save us” and then “God hates us” in the same chorus on “God Hates Us,” I can practically feel his spit hitting me in the face. He’s getting the red out and he’s never sounded stronger. All the “kids” who thought A7X were “selling out” when they chose to sing more need to be knocked off their soapboxes with a swift kick. Rare is the band that can scream less and sound heavier, but A7X does that with Nightmare. // 9
Impression: The Tim Burton-style artwork. The darkly romantic imagery. The element of danger. The squalling guitars. The Iron Maiden influence. The groundswell of emotion from losing their drummer while writing the album. Those are all the batteries that power up Nightmare. Much of the album reminds me of the best parts of Waking the Fallen, which in my opinion, was all great parts! It’s heavy. It’s melodic. It mixes the two without any sort of detraction from the other. It’s seamless. It’s like a modern version of Metallica and Guns N’ Roses. And those are never bad things. But lest we forget: it’s still Avenged Sevenfold doing what they’ve always done and sticking to their own musical vision.
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
Teknologi Internet dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Teknologi Internet dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Teknologi merupakan penerapan (aplikasi) dari sains yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia dan mempercepat pencapaian tujuan dari setiap kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. Sedangkan pendidikan dapat diartikan secara sempit (formal) maupun luas (formal maupun nonformal). Dalam hal ini pendidikan diartikan secara alternatif sebagai usaha sadar yang dilakukan oleh keluarga, masyarakat dan pemerintah melalui kegiatan bimbingan, pengajaran, dan atau latihan yang berlangsung di sekolah dan di luar sekolah sepanjang hayat untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik agar dapat memainkan peranan dalam berbagai lingkungan hidup secara tepat di masa yang akan datang.
Eric Hasby membagi revolusi dalam pendidikan menjadi 4, yaitu: Pertama, saat masyarakat mendiferensiasikan peranan orang dewasa, Kedua, digunakannya tulisan sebagai sarana pendidikan, Ketiga, ditemukannya mesin cetak dan Keempat, penggunaan teknologi canggih sebagai perkembangan bidang elektronik.
Di Indonesia, pendidikan selalu memiliki polemik tersendiri, mulai dari kurikulum atau sistem pendidikan, kesejahteraan guru atau pengajar, kualitas pendidikan, dan masalah lainnya, namun semua itu belum dapat benar-benar diatasi sampai sekarang. Belum selesai semua itu, pemerintah merilis peraturan tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang mengharuskan semua penyelenggara dan/atau satuan pendidikan formal yang didirikan pemerintah atau masyarakat berbentuk badan hukum pendidikan. Dengan tujuan “mendukung pembangunan masyarakat madani yang demokratis dengan berperan sebagai kekuatan moral yang mandiri” dan “mencapai keunggulan kompetitif melalui penerapan prinsip pengelolaan sumber daya sesuai dengan asas pengelolaan yang profesional”.
Ini menyebabkan lahirnya berbagai problematika baru pada lingkungan strategis peguruan tinggi negeri sendiri, baik pada tataran struktur organisasi, budaya organisasi, manajemen perguruan tinggi, model perekrutan mahasiswa sampai pada biaya kuliah di PTN yang melambung tinggi.
Namun, apakah biaya kuliah tinggi menjamin kualitas pendidikan yang baik?
Saat ini, pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pembelajaran bukan merupakan hal yang baru, seperti penggunaan komputer sebagai media pembelajaran dimana tersedia banyak sekali software yang berfungsi untuk menunjang pendidikan.
Belisle (1996) membuktikan bahwa “Dengan menggunakan komputer, siswa menjadi lebih mampu memecahkan permasalahannya dan menjadi komunikator yang lebih baik. Melalui jaringan komputer, siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi dan bekerja bersama dengan temannya dari kelas lain, kelompok, dan guru. Jaringan tersebut dapat membantu pembelajar menciptakan, menganalisa, dan memproduksi informasi dan ide-ide lebih mudah dan efisien. Selain itu, melalui akses elektronis tersebut, dapat meningkatkan kesadaran siswa dengan dunia di sekitar mereka.”
Lebih jauh lagi, saat ini dapat digunakan teknologi internet dimana kita bisa terhubung dengan orang lain dengan memanfaatkan teknologi jaringan komputer. Sekarang ini, teknologi jaringan komputer berperan besar di dunia pendidikan. Dapat kita ketahui manfaat dari teknologi jaringan komputer sangat terasa adanya, dengan jaringan komputer kita dapat menghemat tenaga maupun biaya. Jaringan komputer merupakan sekelompok komputer yang saling terhubung satu sama lain. Jadi dengan adanya jaringan komputer, komputer yang terhubung di dalamnya dapat saling berkomunikasi. Contohnya berbagi data, hardware, berbagi sumber daya, dan lainnya. Untuk membangun setiap jaringan, kita memerlukan peralatan-peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya. Peralatan yang diperlukan antara lain server, workstation, network card, concentrator, serta kabel jaringan.
Muehleisen (1997) menyatakan bahwa “siswa tertarik memanfaatkan Internet dengan tiga alasan. Alasan pertama, siswa memandang Internet sebagai trend dan ingin menjadi bagian darinya. Alasan kedua, siswa menyadari bahwa mayoritas informasi yang beredar di Internet adalah berbahasa Inggris, dan mereka mulai memahami istilah-istilah tertentu yang bermanfaat dalam penguasaan keahlian berbahasa Inggris. Alasan ketiga, Internet juga menawarkan pengalaman praktek berbahasa langsung dengan memberikan siswa pengalaman functional communicative yang akan mampu memotivasi mereka dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari.”
Alasan Penggunaan Internet dalam Kelas Bahasa Inggris
Banyak argumentasi yang dikemukan oleh berbagai penulis tentang manfaat Internet untuk pengajaran bahasa, terutama bahasa Inggris. Berikut ini akan dijelaskan alasan pentignya Internet untuk pengajaran bahasa Inggris:
1. Belajar menggunakan komputer dengan sendirinya dapat memotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan pengalaman dari Muehleisen (1997) bahwa masih banyak siswanya yang belum mempu menggunakan komputer, tetapi ketika mereka diajarkan bagaimana pentingnya memahami komputer, rata-rata siswa akan tertarik dan ingin menguasainya.
2. Internet menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa Internasional. Siswa dapat memahami bahwa mayoritas informasi yang beredar di Internet adalah berbahasa Inggris. Mereka juga menemukan bahwa mereka dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai media untuk belajar berkomunikasi dengan orang lain di seluruh dunia, dan tidak hanya terbatas pada Negara yang berbahasa Inggris saja. Tentu saja siswa ingin berkomunikasi dengan native speaker, tetapi banyak dari siswa lebih ingin berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang dari Negara lain.
3. Internet merupakan media interaktif. Walaupun siswa dalam taraf coba-coba dalam melakukan browsing di Internet, tetapi tanpa disadarinya mereka telah berpikir dan berusaha menggunakan istilah-istilah tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, hampir semua website menyediakan alamat e-mail, sehingga siswa dapat mengajukan pertanyaan atau mengirim komentarnya.
4. Fasilitas untuk menggunakan Internet relatif mudah diperoleh. Di beberapa Negara maju, fasilitas Internet telah tersedia di labor komputer. Namun, kondisi yang sama belum sepenuhnya ada di Negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia. Hanya ada pada beberapa sekolah tertentu saja. Walaupun demikian, dengan perkembangan TIK saat ini, hampir di setiap sekolah telah memiliki labor komputer, namun belum terhubung dengan Internet. Padahal fasilitas itu dengan mudah diaplikasikan dengan menghubungkan komputer via telepon ataupun jaringan nirkabel.
Teknologi merupakan penerapan (aplikasi) dari sains yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia dan mempercepat pencapaian tujuan dari setiap kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. Sedangkan pendidikan dapat diartikan secara sempit (formal) maupun luas (formal maupun nonformal). Dalam hal ini pendidikan diartikan secara alternatif sebagai usaha sadar yang dilakukan oleh keluarga, masyarakat dan pemerintah melalui kegiatan bimbingan, pengajaran, dan atau latihan yang berlangsung di sekolah dan di luar sekolah sepanjang hayat untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik agar dapat memainkan peranan dalam berbagai lingkungan hidup secara tepat di masa yang akan datang.
Eric Hasby membagi revolusi dalam pendidikan menjadi 4, yaitu: Pertama, saat masyarakat mendiferensiasikan peranan orang dewasa, Kedua, digunakannya tulisan sebagai sarana pendidikan, Ketiga, ditemukannya mesin cetak dan Keempat, penggunaan teknologi canggih sebagai perkembangan bidang elektronik.
Di Indonesia, pendidikan selalu memiliki polemik tersendiri, mulai dari kurikulum atau sistem pendidikan, kesejahteraan guru atau pengajar, kualitas pendidikan, dan masalah lainnya, namun semua itu belum dapat benar-benar diatasi sampai sekarang. Belum selesai semua itu, pemerintah merilis peraturan tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang mengharuskan semua penyelenggara dan/atau satuan pendidikan formal yang didirikan pemerintah atau masyarakat berbentuk badan hukum pendidikan. Dengan tujuan “mendukung pembangunan masyarakat madani yang demokratis dengan berperan sebagai kekuatan moral yang mandiri” dan “mencapai keunggulan kompetitif melalui penerapan prinsip pengelolaan sumber daya sesuai dengan asas pengelolaan yang profesional”.
Ini menyebabkan lahirnya berbagai problematika baru pada lingkungan strategis peguruan tinggi negeri sendiri, baik pada tataran struktur organisasi, budaya organisasi, manajemen perguruan tinggi, model perekrutan mahasiswa sampai pada biaya kuliah di PTN yang melambung tinggi.
Namun, apakah biaya kuliah tinggi menjamin kualitas pendidikan yang baik?
Saat ini, pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pembelajaran bukan merupakan hal yang baru, seperti penggunaan komputer sebagai media pembelajaran dimana tersedia banyak sekali software yang berfungsi untuk menunjang pendidikan.
Belisle (1996) membuktikan bahwa “Dengan menggunakan komputer, siswa menjadi lebih mampu memecahkan permasalahannya dan menjadi komunikator yang lebih baik. Melalui jaringan komputer, siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi dan bekerja bersama dengan temannya dari kelas lain, kelompok, dan guru. Jaringan tersebut dapat membantu pembelajar menciptakan, menganalisa, dan memproduksi informasi dan ide-ide lebih mudah dan efisien. Selain itu, melalui akses elektronis tersebut, dapat meningkatkan kesadaran siswa dengan dunia di sekitar mereka.”
Lebih jauh lagi, saat ini dapat digunakan teknologi internet dimana kita bisa terhubung dengan orang lain dengan memanfaatkan teknologi jaringan komputer. Sekarang ini, teknologi jaringan komputer berperan besar di dunia pendidikan. Dapat kita ketahui manfaat dari teknologi jaringan komputer sangat terasa adanya, dengan jaringan komputer kita dapat menghemat tenaga maupun biaya. Jaringan komputer merupakan sekelompok komputer yang saling terhubung satu sama lain. Jadi dengan adanya jaringan komputer, komputer yang terhubung di dalamnya dapat saling berkomunikasi. Contohnya berbagi data, hardware, berbagi sumber daya, dan lainnya. Untuk membangun setiap jaringan, kita memerlukan peralatan-peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya. Peralatan yang diperlukan antara lain server, workstation, network card, concentrator, serta kabel jaringan.
Muehleisen (1997) menyatakan bahwa “siswa tertarik memanfaatkan Internet dengan tiga alasan. Alasan pertama, siswa memandang Internet sebagai trend dan ingin menjadi bagian darinya. Alasan kedua, siswa menyadari bahwa mayoritas informasi yang beredar di Internet adalah berbahasa Inggris, dan mereka mulai memahami istilah-istilah tertentu yang bermanfaat dalam penguasaan keahlian berbahasa Inggris. Alasan ketiga, Internet juga menawarkan pengalaman praktek berbahasa langsung dengan memberikan siswa pengalaman functional communicative yang akan mampu memotivasi mereka dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari.”
Alasan Penggunaan Internet dalam Kelas Bahasa Inggris
Banyak argumentasi yang dikemukan oleh berbagai penulis tentang manfaat Internet untuk pengajaran bahasa, terutama bahasa Inggris. Berikut ini akan dijelaskan alasan pentignya Internet untuk pengajaran bahasa Inggris:
1. Belajar menggunakan komputer dengan sendirinya dapat memotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan pengalaman dari Muehleisen (1997) bahwa masih banyak siswanya yang belum mempu menggunakan komputer, tetapi ketika mereka diajarkan bagaimana pentingnya memahami komputer, rata-rata siswa akan tertarik dan ingin menguasainya.
2. Internet menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa Internasional. Siswa dapat memahami bahwa mayoritas informasi yang beredar di Internet adalah berbahasa Inggris. Mereka juga menemukan bahwa mereka dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai media untuk belajar berkomunikasi dengan orang lain di seluruh dunia, dan tidak hanya terbatas pada Negara yang berbahasa Inggris saja. Tentu saja siswa ingin berkomunikasi dengan native speaker, tetapi banyak dari siswa lebih ingin berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang dari Negara lain.
3. Internet merupakan media interaktif. Walaupun siswa dalam taraf coba-coba dalam melakukan browsing di Internet, tetapi tanpa disadarinya mereka telah berpikir dan berusaha menggunakan istilah-istilah tertentu dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, hampir semua website menyediakan alamat e-mail, sehingga siswa dapat mengajukan pertanyaan atau mengirim komentarnya.
4. Fasilitas untuk menggunakan Internet relatif mudah diperoleh. Di beberapa Negara maju, fasilitas Internet telah tersedia di labor komputer. Namun, kondisi yang sama belum sepenuhnya ada di Negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia. Hanya ada pada beberapa sekolah tertentu saja. Walaupun demikian, dengan perkembangan TIK saat ini, hampir di setiap sekolah telah memiliki labor komputer, namun belum terhubung dengan Internet. Padahal fasilitas itu dengan mudah diaplikasikan dengan menghubungkan komputer via telepon ataupun jaringan nirkabel.
Playstation sepertinya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat khususnya dikalangan muda-mudi yang kebanyakan para pelajar. Playstation adalah sebuah game elektronik yang menyediakan berbagai jenis permainan yang tentunya digemari semua kalangan. Tidak hanya anak-anak bahkan orang dewasa pun suka bermain playstation. Game yang sudah mendunia ini sering dijadikan sebagai hiburan saat kepenatan datang. Namun sering kali playstation disalah gunakan. Menjamurnya rental playstation menjadikan salah satu penyebab anak-anak menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain playstation. Mereka seakan tak pernah jemu dengan berbagai game yang menantang. Seakan-akan playstation telah menjadi candu dikehidupannya sehingga mereka menjadi lupa waktu dan enggan untuk belajar. Namun, tahukan anda jika playstation pun memiliki pengaruh positif pada anak. Kebanyakan game-game playstation menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam pengoprasiannya. Hal ini menyebabkan mau tidak mau setidaknya si pengguna sedikit mengerti dengan petunjuk berbahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada game playstation tersebut. Lama kelamaan mereka menjadi terbiasa dengan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat bebahasa Inggris sehingga dapat menambah kosakata (vocabulary) bahasa Inggris yang tidak didapatkan dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah.
Memaksa Anak Belajar Bahasa Inggris
“Saya dari kecil sudah mulai menguasai bahasa Inggris karena “terpakasa” mau memainkan game (mayoritas game berbahasa inggris)”. Begitulah yang dikatakan seseorang disebuah situs internet. Ya, memang mau tidak mau para gamer harus mampu berbahasa Inggris. Sedikitnya mereka mengerti sebagian dari kata-kata yang ada pada pada game playstation tersebut. Karena sebagian besar game menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam pengoperasiannya. Tuntutan mengerti bahasa Inggris dalam bermain playstation menjadikan si pengguna harus belajar memahami kata-kata yang terdapat pada game tersebut. Bagaimana tidak, jika kita tidak mengerti kata-kata yang terdapat pada game playstation maka kita tidak mengetahui petunjuk-petunjuk penting yang harus dilakukan dalam permainan. Awalnya mungkin terpakasa belajar bahasa Inggris, tapi lama kelamaan karena tuntutan permainan akhirnya menjadi hal yang biasa.
Coba kita lihat anak-anak jaman sekarang yang sudah mengenal game palystation. Mereka lebih banyak menyerap kata-kata baru dari game yang mereka mainkan. Bahkan kata-kata tersebut mungkin tingkat kesulitannya cukup tinggi dan jarang ditemukan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Ini memaksa anak-anak yang gemar bermain playstation lebih banyak menemukan kosakata bahasa Inggris dibandingkan dengan anak-anak yang tidak suka bermain playstation.
Contohnya pada permainan “Harvest Moon”. Pada permainan ini terdapat banyak sekali dialog, keterangan dan petunjuk yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Otomatis si anak akan membaca teks bahasa Inggris tersebut dan berusaha memahami maksud dari teks tersebut. Hal-hal semacam ini yang membuat anak secara tidak langsung belajar bahasa Inggris bahkan menjadi terampil berbahasa Inggris. Namun dampak positif ini sering tidak disadari sehingga kurang dimanfaatkan sebagai proses pembelajaran. Malah yang selalu disoroti dari permainan playstation ini adalah dampak negatif yang kerap menjadi dilema bagi para orang tua.
Memaksa Anak Belajar Bahasa Inggris
“Saya dari kecil sudah mulai menguasai bahasa Inggris karena “terpakasa” mau memainkan game (mayoritas game berbahasa inggris)”. Begitulah yang dikatakan seseorang disebuah situs internet. Ya, memang mau tidak mau para gamer harus mampu berbahasa Inggris. Sedikitnya mereka mengerti sebagian dari kata-kata yang ada pada pada game playstation tersebut. Karena sebagian besar game menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam pengoperasiannya. Tuntutan mengerti bahasa Inggris dalam bermain playstation menjadikan si pengguna harus belajar memahami kata-kata yang terdapat pada game tersebut. Bagaimana tidak, jika kita tidak mengerti kata-kata yang terdapat pada game playstation maka kita tidak mengetahui petunjuk-petunjuk penting yang harus dilakukan dalam permainan. Awalnya mungkin terpakasa belajar bahasa Inggris, tapi lama kelamaan karena tuntutan permainan akhirnya menjadi hal yang biasa.
Coba kita lihat anak-anak jaman sekarang yang sudah mengenal game palystation. Mereka lebih banyak menyerap kata-kata baru dari game yang mereka mainkan. Bahkan kata-kata tersebut mungkin tingkat kesulitannya cukup tinggi dan jarang ditemukan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Ini memaksa anak-anak yang gemar bermain playstation lebih banyak menemukan kosakata bahasa Inggris dibandingkan dengan anak-anak yang tidak suka bermain playstation.
Contohnya pada permainan “Harvest Moon”. Pada permainan ini terdapat banyak sekali dialog, keterangan dan petunjuk yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Otomatis si anak akan membaca teks bahasa Inggris tersebut dan berusaha memahami maksud dari teks tersebut. Hal-hal semacam ini yang membuat anak secara tidak langsung belajar bahasa Inggris bahkan menjadi terampil berbahasa Inggris. Namun dampak positif ini sering tidak disadari sehingga kurang dimanfaatkan sebagai proses pembelajaran. Malah yang selalu disoroti dari permainan playstation ini adalah dampak negatif yang kerap menjadi dilema bagi para orang tua.
Dewasa ini Bahasa Inggris sudah diterima sebagai Bahasa Internasional yang terkemuka karena dianggap menjadi sarana komunikasi terpenting masyarakat Indonesia untuk merespon tuntutan kemajuan zaman. Untuk itulah bahasa Inggris sudah diperkenalkan secara luas mulai usia dini baik di sekolah-sekolah formal maupun non-formal. Berbagai penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa usia dini merupakan usia paling peka belajar bahasa. Maka atas dasar itulah pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak usia dini mulai TK dan Sekolah Dasar sudah secara luas ditawarkan di berbagai sekolah di perkotaan.
Keahlian berbahasa asing ini diperlukan untuk menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, memiliki pergaulan luas dan karir yang baik. Hal ini membuat semua orang dari berbagai kalangan termotivasi untuk mengusai Bahasa Inggris. Kecenderungan masyarakat akan penguasaan bahasa asing tersebut, membuat berbagai lembaga pendidikan saling berlomba membuat program yang memasukan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu keahlian yang dikembangkan.
Persoalannya adalah bahwa pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelompok usia semacam ini menuntut penanganan khusus yang berbeda dengan pengajaran kepada kelompok umur yang lain. Ini terbukti dari kenyataan bahwa tidak semua guru mampu dan berhasil mengajar anak-anak. Boleh jadi karena dalam mengajar anak dibutuhkan kemampuan menyelami dunia anak dan kemampuan memasuki dunia mereka yang masih sangat imajiner.
Contohnya saja di sekolah, apabila nilai siswa menurun dalam mata pelajaran, maka sering sekali siswa maupun orang tua murid menyalahkan gurunya. Sering sekali terlontar alas an yaitu gurunya tidak jelas dalam menerangkan atau yang lainnya.
Kritik terhadap guru datang dari mana-mana. Musman Hadiatmadja, 20 tahun yang lalu, mengatakan bahwa guru lebih tepat disebut melaksanakan mengajar saja secara tradisional dan konservatif. Tradisional karena melaksanakan tugas dengan mendasarkan diri pada tradisi atau apa yang telah dilaksanakan oleh para guru terdahulu tanpa ada usaha memperbaiki dengan daya kreasi yang ada padanya. Konservatif karena bertindak secara kolot menurut cara-cara lama yang kurang atau tidak sesuai dengan perubahan dan kemajuan jaman. Akibatnya siswa dijejali dengan berbagai pengetahuan sesuai kehendak guru atau kurikulum karena siswa adalah ibarat botol kosong yang tidak diberi kesempatan berfikir, mengolah atau mencerna apalagi berkreasi. Mereka pasif dan reseptif saja (Hadiatmadja, 1982:39).
Maka dari itu, perlu di adakan program khusus yang di ikuti para pengajar bahasa inggris tentang cara – cara mengajar bahasa inggris nuntuk usia dini. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi para pengajar Bahasa Inggris dalam mengajar anak usia dini. Contohnya seperti tentang pemakaian dan manfaat lagu-lagu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman anak akan arti kata. Melalui lagu, anak diperkenalkan pada suprasegmental phonetics yang akan membantu anak melewati tahapan pemahaman menuju verbal output yang sempurna
Memberikan pengalaman kepada para pengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk menggunakan lagu melalui praktek simulasi kelompok.
Memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dan masukan perbaikan dari nara sumber yang kompeten dalam mengaplikasikan lagu-lagu di kelas bahasa Inggris.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris mulanya merupakan kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan di dalam ruangan (indoor learning). Namun sekarang, belajar Bahasa Inggris dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja dengan menggunakan media apa pun. Di samping pelajaran yang diterima di dalam kelas, siswa dapat belajar Bahasa Inggris di tempat- tempat kursus dan lembaga pendidikan nonsekolah lainnya. Contohnya seperti tentang pemakaian dan manfaat lagu-lagu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman anak akan arti kata. Melalui lagu, anak diperkenalkan pada suprasegmental phonetics yang akan membantu anak melewati tahapan pemahaman menuju verbal output yang sempurna. Memberikan pengalaman kepada para pengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk menggunakan lagu melalui praktek simulasi kelompok.
Memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dan masukan perbaikan dari nara sumber yang kompeten dalam mengaplikasikan lagu-lagu di kelas bahasa Inggris.
Selain itu, metode pembelajaran bahasa inggris pun dapat di lakukan di rumah siswa sekalipun. Yaitu tentunya dengan bantuan kedua orang tua yang membiasakan diri berbicara bahasa inggris di rumah. Dengan menyebutkan nama – nama benda dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris. Bias juga dengan memutarkan video atau game simulasi untuk anak.. Dan tentunya dengan bimbingan orang tua.
Dalam menjalankan metode – metode diatas, tentunya harus di sertai sikap – sikap yang sesuai dengan usia dan kebiasaan si anak itu sendiri. Sikap yang sesuai sangat menentukan kadar keefektifan pross pembelajaran bahasa inggris untuk anak usia dini.
Suasana yang menyenangkan adalah Syarat mutlak yang diperlukan supaya anak suka belajar. Menurut hasil penelitian tentang cara kerja otak, bagian pengendali memori di dalam otak akan sangat mudah menerima dan merekam informasi yang masuk jika berada dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Membuat Anak senang belajar adalah jauh lebih penting daripada menuntut anak mau belajar supaya menjadi juara atau mencapai prestasi tertentu. Anak yang punya prestasi tapi diperoleh dengan terpaksa tidak akan bertahan lama. Anak yang bisa merasakan bahwa belajar adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan akan mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang besar, dan sangat mempengaruhi kesuksesan belajarnya di masa yang akan datang.
Keahlian berbahasa asing ini diperlukan untuk menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, memiliki pergaulan luas dan karir yang baik. Hal ini membuat semua orang dari berbagai kalangan termotivasi untuk mengusai Bahasa Inggris. Kecenderungan masyarakat akan penguasaan bahasa asing tersebut, membuat berbagai lembaga pendidikan saling berlomba membuat program yang memasukan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu keahlian yang dikembangkan.
Persoalannya adalah bahwa pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelompok usia semacam ini menuntut penanganan khusus yang berbeda dengan pengajaran kepada kelompok umur yang lain. Ini terbukti dari kenyataan bahwa tidak semua guru mampu dan berhasil mengajar anak-anak. Boleh jadi karena dalam mengajar anak dibutuhkan kemampuan menyelami dunia anak dan kemampuan memasuki dunia mereka yang masih sangat imajiner.
Contohnya saja di sekolah, apabila nilai siswa menurun dalam mata pelajaran, maka sering sekali siswa maupun orang tua murid menyalahkan gurunya. Sering sekali terlontar alas an yaitu gurunya tidak jelas dalam menerangkan atau yang lainnya.
Kritik terhadap guru datang dari mana-mana. Musman Hadiatmadja, 20 tahun yang lalu, mengatakan bahwa guru lebih tepat disebut melaksanakan mengajar saja secara tradisional dan konservatif. Tradisional karena melaksanakan tugas dengan mendasarkan diri pada tradisi atau apa yang telah dilaksanakan oleh para guru terdahulu tanpa ada usaha memperbaiki dengan daya kreasi yang ada padanya. Konservatif karena bertindak secara kolot menurut cara-cara lama yang kurang atau tidak sesuai dengan perubahan dan kemajuan jaman. Akibatnya siswa dijejali dengan berbagai pengetahuan sesuai kehendak guru atau kurikulum karena siswa adalah ibarat botol kosong yang tidak diberi kesempatan berfikir, mengolah atau mencerna apalagi berkreasi. Mereka pasif dan reseptif saja (Hadiatmadja, 1982:39).
Maka dari itu, perlu di adakan program khusus yang di ikuti para pengajar bahasa inggris tentang cara – cara mengajar bahasa inggris nuntuk usia dini. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi para pengajar Bahasa Inggris dalam mengajar anak usia dini. Contohnya seperti tentang pemakaian dan manfaat lagu-lagu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman anak akan arti kata. Melalui lagu, anak diperkenalkan pada suprasegmental phonetics yang akan membantu anak melewati tahapan pemahaman menuju verbal output yang sempurna
Memberikan pengalaman kepada para pengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk menggunakan lagu melalui praktek simulasi kelompok.
Memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dan masukan perbaikan dari nara sumber yang kompeten dalam mengaplikasikan lagu-lagu di kelas bahasa Inggris.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris mulanya merupakan kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan di dalam ruangan (indoor learning). Namun sekarang, belajar Bahasa Inggris dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja dengan menggunakan media apa pun. Di samping pelajaran yang diterima di dalam kelas, siswa dapat belajar Bahasa Inggris di tempat- tempat kursus dan lembaga pendidikan nonsekolah lainnya. Contohnya seperti tentang pemakaian dan manfaat lagu-lagu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman anak akan arti kata. Melalui lagu, anak diperkenalkan pada suprasegmental phonetics yang akan membantu anak melewati tahapan pemahaman menuju verbal output yang sempurna. Memberikan pengalaman kepada para pengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk menggunakan lagu melalui praktek simulasi kelompok.
Memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dan masukan perbaikan dari nara sumber yang kompeten dalam mengaplikasikan lagu-lagu di kelas bahasa Inggris.
Selain itu, metode pembelajaran bahasa inggris pun dapat di lakukan di rumah siswa sekalipun. Yaitu tentunya dengan bantuan kedua orang tua yang membiasakan diri berbicara bahasa inggris di rumah. Dengan menyebutkan nama – nama benda dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris. Bias juga dengan memutarkan video atau game simulasi untuk anak.. Dan tentunya dengan bimbingan orang tua.
Dalam menjalankan metode – metode diatas, tentunya harus di sertai sikap – sikap yang sesuai dengan usia dan kebiasaan si anak itu sendiri. Sikap yang sesuai sangat menentukan kadar keefektifan pross pembelajaran bahasa inggris untuk anak usia dini.
Suasana yang menyenangkan adalah Syarat mutlak yang diperlukan supaya anak suka belajar. Menurut hasil penelitian tentang cara kerja otak, bagian pengendali memori di dalam otak akan sangat mudah menerima dan merekam informasi yang masuk jika berada dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Membuat Anak senang belajar adalah jauh lebih penting daripada menuntut anak mau belajar supaya menjadi juara atau mencapai prestasi tertentu. Anak yang punya prestasi tapi diperoleh dengan terpaksa tidak akan bertahan lama. Anak yang bisa merasakan bahwa belajar adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan akan mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang besar, dan sangat mempengaruhi kesuksesan belajarnya di masa yang akan datang.
Saat ini penggunaan bahasa Inggris sudahlah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia. Pasalnya bahasa Inggris telah merupakan bahasa internasional. Bahasa yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan dunia. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tidak dimulai pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), melainkan dimulai sejak dini. Di taman kanak-kanak pun siswa-siswi telah dikenalkan beberapa kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan begitu diharapkan siswa tidak merasa asing lagi bila mendengar serta menenukan berbagai kata dalam bahasa Inggris.
Dengan belajar berbahasa Inggris tentunya tidak akan merugikan diri anda. Tapi sebaliknya dengan belajar bahasa Inggris akan dapat menambah investasi anda. Berbicara tentang investasi, pada umumnya yang muncul dalam pikiran kita yakni mengenai penanaman modal dalam bentuk uang, saham, serta harta agar dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang berlipat. Sama halnya dengan belajar berbahasa Inggris tentunya kita menanamkan modal dalam hal ilmu yang akan dapat kita pakai dan kembangkan di hari depan. Tentunya menguntungkan bukan?
Berbagai keuntungan dari investasi belajar berbahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut,
Menunjang studi: bila anda memutuskan untuk melanjutkan studi anda di luar negeri, tentu anda akan diwajibkan untuk dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik. Jelas sekali karena anda harus berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang baru yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa dunia. Selain itu banyak pula buku-buku literarure yang akan adna gunakan yang sebagian besarnya menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kesempatan kerja: kebanyakan dari daftar lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia di berbagai media mensyaratkan pelamar dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baiok. Bila kita belajar berbahasa Inggris dan telah mampu dalam penggunaannya, tentu kita mempunyai peluang serta nilai plus untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam lowongan tersebut. Menambah teman dari Negara yang berbeda: tentu terbayang di benak kita menambah teman dari Negara yang berbeda tidak memungkinkan jika kita berbicara dalam bahasa nasional. Karena kemungkinan besar merekan tidak akan mengerti apa yang sedang kita bicarakan. Dengan berbahasa Inggris, kita mampu berkomunikasi dengan teman baru dari Negara yang berbeda.
Bila anda dapat berbahasa Inggris, maka anda dapat berbicara dengan lebih dari 1,5 miliar orang di dunia. Satu diantara empat orang di dunia paling tidak sedikit menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan jumlah yang belajar terus bertambah. Misalnya, di Cina sendiri, jumlah orang yang belajar bahasa Inggris telah melampaui jumlah penduduk Amerika Serikat. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris semakin meningkat. Bila anda menguasai bahasa Inggris, anda dapat chatting secara online, menulis surat, dan berkeliling dunia menggunakan satu bahasa.
Investasi ilmu kita akan terus bertambah dan diasah secara berkala. Investasi berbahasa Inggris jauh lebih mudah dibanding berinvestasi dalam bidang ilmu lainnya. Karena pembelajaran bahas Inggris tidak perlu banyak membutuhkan kotretan seperti matematika, kimia, fisika,. Sebagian orang belajar berbahasa Inggris secara mandiri melalui dunia maya seperti facebook, pasalnya dalam dunia maya terlebih dalam facebook lebih cenderung menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagian lainnya mereka belajar dengan mengikutkan diri mereka dalam suatu kelas, privat, dan lainnya yang secara khusus belajar berbahasa Inggris
Tahukah anda bahwa belajar bahasa Inggris adalah belajar yang paling mudah dibanding belajar bahasa yang lainnya? Jelas. Coba anda perhatikan penulisan simple alphabet dalam bahasa Inggris tidak memakai symbol-simbol khusus seperti yang digunakan dalam bahasa Jerman atau Rusia. Alphabet yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris sama seperti yang digunakan oleh bahasa nasional kita, bahasa Indonesia. Hanya saja pengucapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia. Tata bahasa yang digunakan pun sederhana. Selain itu, kita dapat dengan mudah menemukan kalimat-kalimat yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, menemukannya di TV, music, website, majalah internasional, film, dan berbagai media komunikasi lainnya. Mempraktekkan bahasa Inggris penting untuk meningkatkan keinginan belajar serta kemahiran berbahasa anda. Dengan mudah pula anda mempraktekannya. Berbincang dengan teman dari Negara berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris dapat membantu proses pembelajaran anda tanpa anda sadari.
Dengan berbahasa Inggris juga anda dapat menambah akses bagi ilmu pengetahuan. Majalah dan surat kabar bahasa Inggris dapat dibeli di setiap belahan dunia. Anda tidak mengalami kesulitan bila mencari Time, Newsweek, atau International Herald; 87% of all pages on the web. Jumlahnya lebih dari 1 milyar halaman informasi. Sungguh menakjubkan bahwa dengan mempelajari basaha Inggris saja, anda bisa mempelajari hampir semua pengetahuan di internet News reports. Nontonlah jaringan televisi internasional, seperti CNN Internasional dan NBC. Siaran berita mereka jauh lebih cepat dan professional, dan anda dapat menontonnya di mana saja di dunia ini. Charles Roring, dalam terjemahannya pada sumber artikel www.antimoon.com menyatakan, “Bahasa Inggris adalah kunci ilmu pengetahuan dunia. Dalam tahun 1997, 95% indeks artikel Citation ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Hanya sekitar 50% yang berasal dari Negara berbahasa Inggris seperti USA dan Britain.”
Jelas sudah bahwa berinvestasi ilmu dalam berbahasa Inggris tidaklah merugikan anda. Sebaliknya merupakan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan dan sangat menguntungkan tentunya. Pilihannya ada pada diri anda masing-masing, apakah anda tertarik untuk belajar berbahasa Inggris secara menarik atau dengan memasukkan diri anda dalam suatu kursus atau privat berbahasa Inggris.
Dengan belajar berbahasa Inggris tentunya tidak akan merugikan diri anda. Tapi sebaliknya dengan belajar bahasa Inggris akan dapat menambah investasi anda. Berbicara tentang investasi, pada umumnya yang muncul dalam pikiran kita yakni mengenai penanaman modal dalam bentuk uang, saham, serta harta agar dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang berlipat. Sama halnya dengan belajar berbahasa Inggris tentunya kita menanamkan modal dalam hal ilmu yang akan dapat kita pakai dan kembangkan di hari depan. Tentunya menguntungkan bukan?
Berbagai keuntungan dari investasi belajar berbahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut,
Menunjang studi: bila anda memutuskan untuk melanjutkan studi anda di luar negeri, tentu anda akan diwajibkan untuk dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik. Jelas sekali karena anda harus berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang baru yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa dunia. Selain itu banyak pula buku-buku literarure yang akan adna gunakan yang sebagian besarnya menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kesempatan kerja: kebanyakan dari daftar lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia di berbagai media mensyaratkan pelamar dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baiok. Bila kita belajar berbahasa Inggris dan telah mampu dalam penggunaannya, tentu kita mempunyai peluang serta nilai plus untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam lowongan tersebut. Menambah teman dari Negara yang berbeda: tentu terbayang di benak kita menambah teman dari Negara yang berbeda tidak memungkinkan jika kita berbicara dalam bahasa nasional. Karena kemungkinan besar merekan tidak akan mengerti apa yang sedang kita bicarakan. Dengan berbahasa Inggris, kita mampu berkomunikasi dengan teman baru dari Negara yang berbeda.
Bila anda dapat berbahasa Inggris, maka anda dapat berbicara dengan lebih dari 1,5 miliar orang di dunia. Satu diantara empat orang di dunia paling tidak sedikit menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan jumlah yang belajar terus bertambah. Misalnya, di Cina sendiri, jumlah orang yang belajar bahasa Inggris telah melampaui jumlah penduduk Amerika Serikat. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris semakin meningkat. Bila anda menguasai bahasa Inggris, anda dapat chatting secara online, menulis surat, dan berkeliling dunia menggunakan satu bahasa.
Investasi ilmu kita akan terus bertambah dan diasah secara berkala. Investasi berbahasa Inggris jauh lebih mudah dibanding berinvestasi dalam bidang ilmu lainnya. Karena pembelajaran bahas Inggris tidak perlu banyak membutuhkan kotretan seperti matematika, kimia, fisika,. Sebagian orang belajar berbahasa Inggris secara mandiri melalui dunia maya seperti facebook, pasalnya dalam dunia maya terlebih dalam facebook lebih cenderung menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagian lainnya mereka belajar dengan mengikutkan diri mereka dalam suatu kelas, privat, dan lainnya yang secara khusus belajar berbahasa Inggris
Tahukah anda bahwa belajar bahasa Inggris adalah belajar yang paling mudah dibanding belajar bahasa yang lainnya? Jelas. Coba anda perhatikan penulisan simple alphabet dalam bahasa Inggris tidak memakai symbol-simbol khusus seperti yang digunakan dalam bahasa Jerman atau Rusia. Alphabet yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris sama seperti yang digunakan oleh bahasa nasional kita, bahasa Indonesia. Hanya saja pengucapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia. Tata bahasa yang digunakan pun sederhana. Selain itu, kita dapat dengan mudah menemukan kalimat-kalimat yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, menemukannya di TV, music, website, majalah internasional, film, dan berbagai media komunikasi lainnya. Mempraktekkan bahasa Inggris penting untuk meningkatkan keinginan belajar serta kemahiran berbahasa anda. Dengan mudah pula anda mempraktekannya. Berbincang dengan teman dari Negara berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris dapat membantu proses pembelajaran anda tanpa anda sadari.
Dengan berbahasa Inggris juga anda dapat menambah akses bagi ilmu pengetahuan. Majalah dan surat kabar bahasa Inggris dapat dibeli di setiap belahan dunia. Anda tidak mengalami kesulitan bila mencari Time, Newsweek, atau International Herald; 87% of all pages on the web. Jumlahnya lebih dari 1 milyar halaman informasi. Sungguh menakjubkan bahwa dengan mempelajari basaha Inggris saja, anda bisa mempelajari hampir semua pengetahuan di internet News reports. Nontonlah jaringan televisi internasional, seperti CNN Internasional dan NBC. Siaran berita mereka jauh lebih cepat dan professional, dan anda dapat menontonnya di mana saja di dunia ini. Charles Roring, dalam terjemahannya pada sumber artikel www.antimoon.com menyatakan, “Bahasa Inggris adalah kunci ilmu pengetahuan dunia. Dalam tahun 1997, 95% indeks artikel Citation ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Hanya sekitar 50% yang berasal dari Negara berbahasa Inggris seperti USA dan Britain.”
Jelas sudah bahwa berinvestasi ilmu dalam berbahasa Inggris tidaklah merugikan anda. Sebaliknya merupakan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan dan sangat menguntungkan tentunya. Pilihannya ada pada diri anda masing-masing, apakah anda tertarik untuk belajar berbahasa Inggris secara menarik atau dengan memasukkan diri anda dalam suatu kursus atau privat berbahasa Inggris.
Grammar dalam bahasa inggris dapat diartikan tata bahasa atau sistem bahasa. English Grammar memiliki tingkatan yaitu basic, intermediate dan advanced. Tetapi anehnya peraturan-peraturan Grammar Advanced dengan Basic banyak yang bertentangan – itulah sebabnya dalam ebook bahasa inggris gratis saya katakan pada Anda bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang seenak wudelnya. Dan untuk langkah awal belajar bahasa inggris tidak dianjurkan belajar grammar. Tetapi materi grammar tetap penting terutama dalam menghadapi berbagai ujian bahasa inggris seperti Test TOEFL atau pelajaran sekolah
Contoh pertentangan aturan grammar :
The Simple Present Tense & The Present Continuous Tense
Di sekolah, dimana yang diajarkan adalah grammar basic – The Simple Present Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, atau kebiasaan sedangkan untuk menyataan kejadian yang SEDANG berlangsung kita menggunakan The Present Continuous Tense, seperti
I like English (Fakta, simple present)
I am learning English (Sedang berlangsung, present continuous)
Tetapi pada advanced grammar, kita boleh saja menggunakan The Simple Present untuk sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung secara cepat dari action ke action lain, seperti komentator sepakbola. Mereka menggunakan Simple Present walaupun saat itu sedang berlangsung. Ini hanya salah satu contoh saja
Okey kembali bahwa saya akan memberikan 30 Jurus basic grammar secara bertahap – yang harus Anda kuasai. Pelajaran Grammar ini dimulai dari NOL – tenang saja, tapi dahsyat – karena sama saja Anda mempelajari mata kuliah Structure I di perguruan tinggi jurusan Bahasa Inggris selama 1 semester
belajar bahasa inggris cepat tanpa grammar pertama kali di Indonesia
Pelajari secara disiplin, kerjakan latihannya secara tertulis dan buka Kamus Bahasa inggris untuk kata-kata yang Anda tidak ketahui. Grammar ibarat rantai, 1 saja mata rantai terputus – hancur semuanya. Itulah sebabnya 30 jurus ini harus Anda kuasai secara integrated, secara terpadu melalui kursus Bahasa Inggris online Full Conversation ini.
Berikut pembahasan materi pokok grammar bahasa inggris secara (berseri) :
16 Tenses bahasa inggris
Kata Benda (Noun)
Kata kerja (Verb)
Kata Ganti (Pronouns)
Kata Sifat (Adjective)
Kata Keterangan (Adverb)
Passive Voice
Reported Speech
Conditional Sentence
Dan lainnya menyusul
materi belajar grammar bahasa inggris ini akan dipublikasikan secara berseri.
Contoh pertentangan aturan grammar :
The Simple Present Tense & The Present Continuous Tense
Di sekolah, dimana yang diajarkan adalah grammar basic – The Simple Present Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, atau kebiasaan sedangkan untuk menyataan kejadian yang SEDANG berlangsung kita menggunakan The Present Continuous Tense, seperti
I like English (Fakta, simple present)
I am learning English (Sedang berlangsung, present continuous)
Tetapi pada advanced grammar, kita boleh saja menggunakan The Simple Present untuk sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung secara cepat dari action ke action lain, seperti komentator sepakbola. Mereka menggunakan Simple Present walaupun saat itu sedang berlangsung. Ini hanya salah satu contoh saja
Okey kembali bahwa saya akan memberikan 30 Jurus basic grammar secara bertahap – yang harus Anda kuasai. Pelajaran Grammar ini dimulai dari NOL – tenang saja, tapi dahsyat – karena sama saja Anda mempelajari mata kuliah Structure I di perguruan tinggi jurusan Bahasa Inggris selama 1 semester
belajar bahasa inggris cepat tanpa grammar pertama kali di Indonesia
Pelajari secara disiplin, kerjakan latihannya secara tertulis dan buka Kamus Bahasa inggris untuk kata-kata yang Anda tidak ketahui. Grammar ibarat rantai, 1 saja mata rantai terputus – hancur semuanya. Itulah sebabnya 30 jurus ini harus Anda kuasai secara integrated, secara terpadu melalui kursus Bahasa Inggris online Full Conversation ini.
Berikut pembahasan materi pokok grammar bahasa inggris secara (berseri) :
16 Tenses bahasa inggris
Kata Benda (Noun)
Kata kerja (Verb)
Kata Ganti (Pronouns)
Kata Sifat (Adjective)
Kata Keterangan (Adverb)
Passive Voice
Reported Speech
Conditional Sentence
Dan lainnya menyusul
materi belajar grammar bahasa inggris ini akan dipublikasikan secara berseri.
Kamis, 03 Juni 2010
Makalah Power Supply pny aq
Power Supply
Pencatu Daya (Inggris: power supply) adalah sebuah piranti elektronika yang berguna sebagai sumber daya untuk piranti lain, terutama daya listrik. Pada dasarnya pencatu daya bukanlah sebuah alat yang menghasilkan energi listrik saja, namun ada beberapa pencatu daya yang menghasilkan energi mekanik, dan energi yang lain.
[sunting] Pencatu daya listrik
Skema rangkaian Power Supply
Secara garis besar, pencatu daya listrik dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu pencatu daya tak distabilkan dan pencatu daya distabilkan.
Mengapa kita harus memasang power supply???
Sering terjadi suplai daya PLN terputus secara tiba-tiba atau kualitas suplai daya tidak normal akibat tegangan lebih, tegangan kurang dan tegangan kedip yang disebabkan karena gangguan petir dsb. Alangkah ruginya kita, apabila data-data berharga hasil pekerjaan yang telah kita kerjakan di komputer hilang akibat suplai daya ke komputer tiba-tiba putus.
* Pencatu daya tak distabilkan
Merupakan jenis pencatu daya yang paling sederhana. Pada pencatu daya jenis ini, tegangan maaupun arus keluaran dari pencatu daya tidak distabilkan, sehingga berubah-ubah sesuai keadaan tegangan masukan dan beban pada keluaran. Pencatu daya jenis ini biasanya digunakan pada peranti elektronika sederhana yang tidak sensitif akan perubahan tegangan. pencatu jenis ini juga banyak digunakan pada penguat daya tinggi untuk mengkompensasi lonjakan tegangan keluaran pada penguat.
* Pencatu daya distabilkan
Pencatu jenis ini menggunakan suatu mekanisme loloh balik untuk menstabilkan tegangan keluarannya, bebas dari variasi tegangan masukan, beban keluaran, maupun dengung. Ada dua jenis kalang yang digunakan untuk menstabilkan tegangan keluaran, antara lain:
o Pencatu daya Linier
Merupakan jenis pencatu daya yang umum digunakan. Cara kerja dari pencatu daya ini adalah mengubah tegangan AC menjadi tegangan AC lain yang lebih kecil dengan bantuan Transformator. Tegangan ini kemudian disearahkan dengan menggunakan rangkaian penyearah tegangan, dan di bagian akhir ditambahkan kondensator sebagai penghalus tegangan sehingga tegangan DC yang dihasilkan oleh pencatu daya jenis ini tidak terlalu bergelombang.
Selain menggunakan dioda sebagai penyearah, rangkaian lain dari jenis ini dapat menggunakan regulator tegangan linier sehingga tegangan yang dihasilkan lebih baik daripada rangkaian yang menggunakan dioda. Pencatu daya jenis ini biasanya dapat menghasilkan tegangan DC yang bervariasi antara 0 - 60 Volt dengan arus antara 0 - 10 Ampere.
o Pencatu daya Sakelar
Pencatu daya jenis ini menggunakan metode yang berbeda dengan pencatu daya linier. Pada jenis ini, tegangan AC yang masuk ke dalam rangkaian langsung disearahkan oleh rangkaian penyearah tanpa menggunakan bantuan transformer.
Cara menyearahkan tegangan tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan frekuensi tinggi antara 10KHz hingga 1MHz, dimana frekuensi ini jauh lebih tinggi daripada frekuensi AC yang sekitar 50Hz. Pada pencatu daya sakelar biasanya diberikan rangkaian umpan balik agar tegangan dan arus yang keluar dari rangkaian ini dapat dikontrol dengan baik.
Jenis Power Supply
Dahulu jenis power supply yang sering digunakan adalah model AT. Pada model ini, kita harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU jika ingin mematikan komputer. Tapi saat ini, jenis power supply yang banyak digunakan adalah ATX karena model ini memberikan kemudahan mematikan CPU tanpa harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU, cukup dengan mengklik Shutdown.
Sebaiknya komputer (PC) digunakan ditempat yang dingin/ber-AC dan tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung. Hal ini agar komputer kita tidak cepat panas. PSU juga membantu agar computer tidak cepat panas karena salah satu komponen pada PSU adalah kipas/fan.
Sebuah catu daya dapat mencakup sistem distribusi daya serta primer atau sekunder sumber energi seperti: CMS
• Konversi dari satu bentuk energi listrik ke bentuk lain yang diinginkan dan tegangan, biasanya melibatkan mengubah AC ke tegangan yang diatur lebih rendah-tegangan baik DC untuk perangkat elektronik. such as computers and Tegangan rendah, rendah daya DC power supply unit biasanya terintegrasi dengan perangkat yang mereka tawarkan, seperti komputer dan elektronik rumah tangga; untuk contoh lainnya, lihat mode power supply-switched , regulator linier , rectifier dan inverter (listrik) .
• Baterai
• Kimia bahan bakar sel dan bentuk lain dari penyimpanan energi sistem
• Tenaga surya
• Generator atau alternator
Penyebab utama menurunnya kualitas suplai daya
Menurunnya kualitas suplai daya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup peralatan elektronik yang disuplainya. Beberapa hal utama yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas suplai daya :
1. Teganga lebih(Surja) impuls akibat petir. Tegangan lebih akibat petir biasanya terjadi dalam waktu beberapa mikro detik. Tegangan lebih ini biasanya dapat merusak perangkat keras (hardware) dari peralatan elektronik yang dikenainya. Seperti microchips, harddisk, monitor dsb.
2. Tegangan lebih akibat switch. Biasanya terjadi akibat mesin listrik yang diputus dari suplai. Bila kejadian ini berlangsung lama dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada perangkat keras.
3. Tegangan kedip sesaat akibat peralatan listrik berdaya besar baru dinyalakan. Tegangan kedip ini dapat menyebabkan komputer hang, salah pembacaan pada harddisk atau kerusakan fisik pada harddisk tersebut.
4. Tegangan kurang, akibat PLN tidak mampu melayani beban puncak. Hal ini mengakibatkan peralatan kita dicatu dengan tegangan lebih rendah dari ratingnya. Hal ini sangat berbahaya bagi peralatan kita sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan tegangan.
5. Black-Out
aplikasi Power supply
power supply Komputer
Main article: Computer power supply Artikel utama: Komputer catu daya
Sebuah supply komputer modern power dengan saklar dan mematikan pasokan dirancang untuk mengkonversi listrik AC 110-240 V dari pasokan listrik, untuk beberapa output baik positif (dan historis negatif) DC tegangan dalam rentang + 12V,-12V, 5 V , 5 vbs dan 3,3 V.. Generasi pertama dari komputer adalah perangkat catu daya linier, tetapi sebagai biaya menjadi faktor pendorong, dan berat badan menjadi penting, beralih modus pasokan hampir universal.
Koleksi beragam tegangan keluaran juga telah sangat beragam persyaratan menarik saat ini, yang sulit untuk semua dipasok dari sumber switched-mode yang sama. Akibatnya pasokan daya komputer yang paling modern sebenarnya terdiri dari beberapa perlengkapan mode yang berbeda diaktifkan, masing-masing memproduksi hanya satu komponen tegangan dan masing-masing dapat berbeda output berdasarkan kebutuhan daya komponen, dan semuanya dihubungkan bersama untuk menutup sebagai kelompok dalam hal terjadi kondisi kesalahan.
power supply Welding
pengelasan Arc menggunakan listrik untuk mencairkan permukaan logam untuk bergabung dengan mereka sama melalui peleburan. Listrik disediakan oleh power supply las, dan dapat menjadi AC atau DC . pengelasan Arc biasanya membutuhkan arus tinggi biasanya antara 100 dan 350 amp . Beberapa jenis pengelasan dapat menggunakan sesedikit 10 amps, sementara beberapa aplikasi pengelasan spot menggunakan arus setinggi 60.000 amp untuk waktu yang sangat singkat. Lama pasokan daya pengelasan terdiri dari trafo atau mesin mengemudi generator . persediaan yang lebih baru menggunakan semikonduktor dan mikroprosesor mengurangi ukuran dan berat.
AC adapter]
Sebuah linier atau mode power supply-switched (atau dalam beberapa kasus hanya trafo) yang dibangun ke atas sebuah plug dikenal sebagai paket plug "", "plug-in" adaptor, "adaptor blok", "listrik domestik adaptor "atau hanya" power adaptor Logat istilah mencakup "kutil dinding" dan "bata kekuasaan". Mereka bahkan lebih beragam dari nama-nama mereka; seringkali dengan baik yang sama jenis DC plug menawarkan atau polaritas tegangan yang berbeda, atau sebuah plug yang menawarkan tegangan yang sama. ""Universal" adapter mencoba untuk menggantikan yang hilang atau rusak, dengan menggunakan beberapa colokan dan penyeleksi untuk tegangan dan polaritas yang berbeda. Penggantian pasokan listrik harus sesuai dengan tegangan, dan pasokan setidaknya sebanyak sekarang sebagai, catu daya yang asli.
AC unit mahal setidaknya terdiri hanya dari kecil transformator , sementara DC adapter termasuk beberapa tambahan dioda. Apakah atau tidak beban terhubung ke adaptor listrik, trafo memiliki medan magnet terus hadir dan biasanya tidak dapat sepenuhnya dimatikan kecuali dicabut.
Karena mereka mengkonsumsi daya siaga , mereka kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "vampir listrik" dan mungkin dihubungkan ke strip daya untuk memungkinkan mengubah mereka. Mahal-mode diaktifkan pasokan listrik bisa memotong bocor-elektrolit kapasitor, gunakan berdaya MOSFET , dan mengurangi frekuensi kerja mereka untuk mendapatkan seteguk energi sesekali kekuasaan, misalnya, jam, yang dinyatakan akan membutuhkan baterai .
Pencatu Daya (Inggris: power supply) adalah sebuah piranti elektronika yang berguna sebagai sumber daya untuk piranti lain, terutama daya listrik. Pada dasarnya pencatu daya bukanlah sebuah alat yang menghasilkan energi listrik saja, namun ada beberapa pencatu daya yang menghasilkan energi mekanik, dan energi yang lain.
[sunting] Pencatu daya listrik
Skema rangkaian Power Supply
Secara garis besar, pencatu daya listrik dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu pencatu daya tak distabilkan dan pencatu daya distabilkan.
Mengapa kita harus memasang power supply???
Sering terjadi suplai daya PLN terputus secara tiba-tiba atau kualitas suplai daya tidak normal akibat tegangan lebih, tegangan kurang dan tegangan kedip yang disebabkan karena gangguan petir dsb. Alangkah ruginya kita, apabila data-data berharga hasil pekerjaan yang telah kita kerjakan di komputer hilang akibat suplai daya ke komputer tiba-tiba putus.
* Pencatu daya tak distabilkan
Merupakan jenis pencatu daya yang paling sederhana. Pada pencatu daya jenis ini, tegangan maaupun arus keluaran dari pencatu daya tidak distabilkan, sehingga berubah-ubah sesuai keadaan tegangan masukan dan beban pada keluaran. Pencatu daya jenis ini biasanya digunakan pada peranti elektronika sederhana yang tidak sensitif akan perubahan tegangan. pencatu jenis ini juga banyak digunakan pada penguat daya tinggi untuk mengkompensasi lonjakan tegangan keluaran pada penguat.
* Pencatu daya distabilkan
Pencatu jenis ini menggunakan suatu mekanisme loloh balik untuk menstabilkan tegangan keluarannya, bebas dari variasi tegangan masukan, beban keluaran, maupun dengung. Ada dua jenis kalang yang digunakan untuk menstabilkan tegangan keluaran, antara lain:
o Pencatu daya Linier
Merupakan jenis pencatu daya yang umum digunakan. Cara kerja dari pencatu daya ini adalah mengubah tegangan AC menjadi tegangan AC lain yang lebih kecil dengan bantuan Transformator. Tegangan ini kemudian disearahkan dengan menggunakan rangkaian penyearah tegangan, dan di bagian akhir ditambahkan kondensator sebagai penghalus tegangan sehingga tegangan DC yang dihasilkan oleh pencatu daya jenis ini tidak terlalu bergelombang.
Selain menggunakan dioda sebagai penyearah, rangkaian lain dari jenis ini dapat menggunakan regulator tegangan linier sehingga tegangan yang dihasilkan lebih baik daripada rangkaian yang menggunakan dioda. Pencatu daya jenis ini biasanya dapat menghasilkan tegangan DC yang bervariasi antara 0 - 60 Volt dengan arus antara 0 - 10 Ampere.
o Pencatu daya Sakelar
Pencatu daya jenis ini menggunakan metode yang berbeda dengan pencatu daya linier. Pada jenis ini, tegangan AC yang masuk ke dalam rangkaian langsung disearahkan oleh rangkaian penyearah tanpa menggunakan bantuan transformer.
Cara menyearahkan tegangan tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan frekuensi tinggi antara 10KHz hingga 1MHz, dimana frekuensi ini jauh lebih tinggi daripada frekuensi AC yang sekitar 50Hz. Pada pencatu daya sakelar biasanya diberikan rangkaian umpan balik agar tegangan dan arus yang keluar dari rangkaian ini dapat dikontrol dengan baik.
Jenis Power Supply
Dahulu jenis power supply yang sering digunakan adalah model AT. Pada model ini, kita harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU jika ingin mematikan komputer. Tapi saat ini, jenis power supply yang banyak digunakan adalah ATX karena model ini memberikan kemudahan mematikan CPU tanpa harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU, cukup dengan mengklik Shutdown.
Sebaiknya komputer (PC) digunakan ditempat yang dingin/ber-AC dan tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung. Hal ini agar komputer kita tidak cepat panas. PSU juga membantu agar computer tidak cepat panas karena salah satu komponen pada PSU adalah kipas/fan.
Sebuah catu daya dapat mencakup sistem distribusi daya serta primer atau sekunder sumber energi seperti: CMS
• Konversi dari satu bentuk energi listrik ke bentuk lain yang diinginkan dan tegangan, biasanya melibatkan mengubah AC ke tegangan yang diatur lebih rendah-tegangan baik DC untuk perangkat elektronik. such as computers and Tegangan rendah, rendah daya DC power supply unit biasanya terintegrasi dengan perangkat yang mereka tawarkan, seperti komputer dan elektronik rumah tangga; untuk contoh lainnya, lihat mode power supply-switched , regulator linier , rectifier dan inverter (listrik) .
• Baterai
• Kimia bahan bakar sel dan bentuk lain dari penyimpanan energi sistem
• Tenaga surya
• Generator atau alternator
Penyebab utama menurunnya kualitas suplai daya
Menurunnya kualitas suplai daya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup peralatan elektronik yang disuplainya. Beberapa hal utama yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas suplai daya :
1. Teganga lebih(Surja) impuls akibat petir. Tegangan lebih akibat petir biasanya terjadi dalam waktu beberapa mikro detik. Tegangan lebih ini biasanya dapat merusak perangkat keras (hardware) dari peralatan elektronik yang dikenainya. Seperti microchips, harddisk, monitor dsb.
2. Tegangan lebih akibat switch. Biasanya terjadi akibat mesin listrik yang diputus dari suplai. Bila kejadian ini berlangsung lama dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada perangkat keras.
3. Tegangan kedip sesaat akibat peralatan listrik berdaya besar baru dinyalakan. Tegangan kedip ini dapat menyebabkan komputer hang, salah pembacaan pada harddisk atau kerusakan fisik pada harddisk tersebut.
4. Tegangan kurang, akibat PLN tidak mampu melayani beban puncak. Hal ini mengakibatkan peralatan kita dicatu dengan tegangan lebih rendah dari ratingnya. Hal ini sangat berbahaya bagi peralatan kita sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan tegangan.
5. Black-Out
aplikasi Power supply
power supply Komputer
Main article: Computer power supply Artikel utama: Komputer catu daya
Sebuah supply komputer modern power dengan saklar dan mematikan pasokan dirancang untuk mengkonversi listrik AC 110-240 V dari pasokan listrik, untuk beberapa output baik positif (dan historis negatif) DC tegangan dalam rentang + 12V,-12V, 5 V , 5 vbs dan 3,3 V.. Generasi pertama dari komputer adalah perangkat catu daya linier, tetapi sebagai biaya menjadi faktor pendorong, dan berat badan menjadi penting, beralih modus pasokan hampir universal.
Koleksi beragam tegangan keluaran juga telah sangat beragam persyaratan menarik saat ini, yang sulit untuk semua dipasok dari sumber switched-mode yang sama. Akibatnya pasokan daya komputer yang paling modern sebenarnya terdiri dari beberapa perlengkapan mode yang berbeda diaktifkan, masing-masing memproduksi hanya satu komponen tegangan dan masing-masing dapat berbeda output berdasarkan kebutuhan daya komponen, dan semuanya dihubungkan bersama untuk menutup sebagai kelompok dalam hal terjadi kondisi kesalahan.
power supply Welding
pengelasan Arc menggunakan listrik untuk mencairkan permukaan logam untuk bergabung dengan mereka sama melalui peleburan. Listrik disediakan oleh power supply las, dan dapat menjadi AC atau DC . pengelasan Arc biasanya membutuhkan arus tinggi biasanya antara 100 dan 350 amp . Beberapa jenis pengelasan dapat menggunakan sesedikit 10 amps, sementara beberapa aplikasi pengelasan spot menggunakan arus setinggi 60.000 amp untuk waktu yang sangat singkat. Lama pasokan daya pengelasan terdiri dari trafo atau mesin mengemudi generator . persediaan yang lebih baru menggunakan semikonduktor dan mikroprosesor mengurangi ukuran dan berat.
AC adapter]
Sebuah linier atau mode power supply-switched (atau dalam beberapa kasus hanya trafo) yang dibangun ke atas sebuah plug dikenal sebagai paket plug "", "plug-in" adaptor, "adaptor blok", "listrik domestik adaptor "atau hanya" power adaptor Logat istilah mencakup "kutil dinding" dan "bata kekuasaan". Mereka bahkan lebih beragam dari nama-nama mereka; seringkali dengan baik yang sama jenis DC plug menawarkan atau polaritas tegangan yang berbeda, atau sebuah plug yang menawarkan tegangan yang sama. ""Universal" adapter mencoba untuk menggantikan yang hilang atau rusak, dengan menggunakan beberapa colokan dan penyeleksi untuk tegangan dan polaritas yang berbeda. Penggantian pasokan listrik harus sesuai dengan tegangan, dan pasokan setidaknya sebanyak sekarang sebagai, catu daya yang asli.
AC unit mahal setidaknya terdiri hanya dari kecil transformator , sementara DC adapter termasuk beberapa tambahan dioda. Apakah atau tidak beban terhubung ke adaptor listrik, trafo memiliki medan magnet terus hadir dan biasanya tidak dapat sepenuhnya dimatikan kecuali dicabut.
Karena mereka mengkonsumsi daya siaga , mereka kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "vampir listrik" dan mungkin dihubungkan ke strip daya untuk memungkinkan mengubah mereka. Mahal-mode diaktifkan pasokan listrik bisa memotong bocor-elektrolit kapasitor, gunakan berdaya MOSFET , dan mengurangi frekuensi kerja mereka untuk mendapatkan seteguk energi sesekali kekuasaan, misalnya, jam, yang dinyatakan akan membutuhkan baterai .
Makalah Power Supply Lagi
Pengertian Power supply:
suatu alat yang berfungsi sebagai buffer antara power suplai dengan peralatan elektronik yang kita gunakan seperti komputer, printer, modem, dsb. Bila ada gangguan, atau dengan kata lain suplai daya terputus, maka UPS akan segera bekerja dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin sehingga peralatan elektronik yang kita miliki tidak mengalami kerusakan.
Mengapa kita harus memasang power supply???
Sering terjadi suplai daya PLN terputus secara tiba-tiba atau kualitas suplai daya tidak normal akibat tegangan lebih, tegangan kurang dan tegangan kedip yang disebabkan karena gangguan petir dsb. Alangkah ruginya kita, apabila data-data berharga hasil pekerjaan yang telah kita kerjakan di komputer hilang akibat suplai daya ke komputer tiba-tiba putus.
UPS bertindak untuk mencegah hal tersebut terjadi. Apabila telah terjadi kerusakan pada alat elektronik akibat terputusnya suppply daya atau data-data yang kita miliki hilang, maka UPS tidak dapat mengatasinya. UPS hanya bertanggung jawab agar peralatan elektronik tersebut tidak rusak atau sebelum data hilang.
Mengapa kita harus memasang power supply???
Sering terjadi suplai daya PLN terputus secara tiba-tiba atau kualitas suplai daya tidak normal akibat tegangan lebih, tegangan kurang dan tegangan kedip yang disebabkan karena gangguan petir dsb. Alangkah ruginya kita, apabila data-data berharga hasil pekerjaan yang telah kita kerjakan di komputer hilang akibat suplai daya ke komputer tiba-tiba putus.
Penyebab utama menurunnya kualitas suplai daya
Menurunnya kualitas suplai daya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup peralatan elektronik yang disuplainya. Beberapa hal utama yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas suplai daya :
1. Teganga lebih(Surja) impuls akibat petir. Tegangan lebih akibat petir biasanya terjadi dalam waktu beberapa mikro detik. Tegangan lebih ini biasanya dapat merusak perangkat keras (hardware) dari peralatan elektronik yang dikenainya. Seperti microchips, harddisk, monitor dsb.
2. Tegangan lebih akibat switch. Biasanya terjadi akibat mesin listrik yang diputus dari suplai. Bila kejadian ini berlangsung lama dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada perangkat keras.
3. Tegangan kedip sesaat akibat peralatan listrik berdaya besar baru dinyalakan. Tegangan kedip ini dapat menyebabkan komputer hang, salah pembacaan pada harddisk atau kerusakan fisik pada harddisk tersebut.
4. Tegangan kurang, akibat PLN tidak mampu melayani beban puncak. Hal ini mengakibatkan peralatan kita dicatu dengan tegangan lebih rendah dari ratingnya. Hal ini sangat berbahaya bagi peralatan kita sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan tegangan.
5. Black-Out
Ini merupakan peristiwa putusnya tegangan PLN ke peralatan secara keseluruhan.
Gambar 2
Komponen Utama UPS
Komponen utama dari sebuah UPS adalah :
• Baterei
Jenis baterei yang digunakan adalah jenis lead-acid (tegangan nominal 2,0 V per sel) dan jenis nikel-cadmium (tegangan nominal 1,2 V per sel). Baterei ini mampu menjadi sumber tegangan cadangan selama 15-30 menit.
• Rectifier (penyearah)
Berfungsi untuk mengubah arus AC menjadi arus DC dari suplai daya untuk mengisi baterei.
• Inverter
Berfungsi untuk mengubah arus DC dari bateri menjadi arus AC ke peralatan yang dilindungi oleh UPS.
Gambar 3
1. Line Interactive UPS
Pada UPS jenis ini diberi tambahan alat AVR (automatic voltage regulator) yang berfungsi mengatur tegangan dari suplai daya ke peralatan.
2. On-Line UPS
UPS jenis ini terdapat 1 rectifier dan 1 inverter yang terpisah. Hal ini lebih mahal apabila dibandingkan dengan dua jenis UPS lainnya. Dalam keadaan gangguan, suplai daya ke rectifier akan diblok sehingga akan ada arus DC dari batere ke inverter yang kemudian diubah menjadi AC.
3. Off-Line UPS
UPS jenis ini merupakan UPS paling murah diantara jenis UPS yang lain. Karena rectifier dan inverter berada dalam satu unit. Dalam keadaan gangguan, switch akan berpindah sehingga suplai daya dari suplai utama terblok. Akibatnya akan mengalir arus DC dari batere menuju inverter
Fungsi utama dari operasi sistem:
Dapat memberikan energi listrik sementara ketika terjadi kegagalan daya pada listrik utama (PLN).
Memberikan kesempatan waktu yang cukup kepada kita untuk segera menghidupkan Genset sebagai pengganti PLN.
Memberikan kesempatan waktu yang cukup kepada kita untuk segera melakukan back up data dan mengamankan Operating System (OS) dengan melakukan shutdown sesuai prosedur ketika listrik utama (PLN) padam.
Mengamankan sistem komputer dari gangguan-gangguan listrik yang dapat mengganggu sistem komputer baik berupa kerusakan software,data maupun kerusakan hardwa
UPS secara otomatis dapat melakukan stabilisasi tegangan ketika terjadi perubahan tegangan pada input sehingga tegangan output yang digunakan oleh sistem komputer berupa tegangan yang stabil.
UPS dapat melakukan diagnosa dan management terhadap dirinya sendiri sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk mengantisipasi jika akan terjadi gangguan terhadap sistem
User friendly dan mudah dalam installasi.
User dapat melakukan kontrol UPS melalui Jaringan LAN dengan menambahkan beberapa accessories yang diperlukan
Dapat diintegrasikan dengan jaringan Internet.
Notifikasi jika terjadi kegagalan dengan melakukan setting software UPS management.
Jenis Power Supply
Dahulu jenis power supply yang sering digunakan adalah model AT. Pada model ini, kita harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU jika ingin mematikan komputer. Tapi saat ini, jenis power supply yang banyak digunakan adalah ATX karena model ini memberikan kemudahan mematikan CPU tanpa harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU, cukup dengan mengklik Shutdown.
Sebaiknya komputer (PC) digunakan ditempat yang dingin/ber-AC dan tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung. Hal ini agar komputer kita tidak cepat panas. PSU juga membantu agar computer tidak cepat panas karena salah satu komponen pada PSU adalah kipas/fan.
aplikasi Power supply
power supply Komputer
Main article: Computer power supply Artikel utama: Komputer catu daya
Sebuah supply komputer modern power dengan saklar dan mematikan pasokan dirancang untuk mengkonversi listrik AC 110-240 V dari pasokan listrik, untuk beberapa output baik positif (dan historis negatif) DC tegangan dalam rentang + 12V,-12V, 5 V , 5 vbs dan 3,3 V.. Generasi pertama dari komputer adalah perangkat catu daya linier, tetapi sebagai biaya menjadi faktor pendorong, dan berat badan menjadi penting, beralih modus pasokan hampir universal.
Koleksi beragam tegangan keluaran juga telah sangat beragam persyaratan menarik saat ini, yang sulit untuk semua dipasok dari sumber switched-mode yang sama. Akibatnya pasokan daya komputer yang paling modern sebenarnya terdiri dari beberapa perlengkapan mode yang berbeda diaktifkan, masing-masing memproduksi hanya satu komponen tegangan dan masing-masing dapat berbeda output berdasarkan kebutuhan daya komponen, dan semuanya dihubungkan bersama untuk menutup sebagai kelompok dalam hal terjadi kondisi kesalahan.
power supply Welding
pengelasan Arc menggunakan listrik untuk mencairkan permukaan logam untuk bergabung dengan mereka sama melalui peleburan. Listrik disediakan oleh power supply las, dan dapat menjadi AC atau DC . pengelasan Arc biasanya membutuhkan arus tinggi biasanya antara 100 dan 350 amp . Beberapa jenis pengelasan dapat menggunakan sesedikit 10 amps, sementara beberapa aplikasi pengelasan spot menggunakan arus setinggi 60.000 amp untuk waktu yang sangat singkat. Lama pasokan daya pengelasan terdiri dari trafo atau mesin mengemudi generator . persediaan yang lebih baru menggunakan semikonduktor dan mikroprosesor mengurangi ukuran dan berat.
AC adapter]
Sebuah linier atau mode power supply-switched (atau dalam beberapa kasus hanya trafo) yang dibangun ke atas sebuah plug dikenal sebagai paket plug "", "plug-in" adaptor, "adaptor blok", "listrik domestik adaptor "atau hanya" power adaptor Logat istilah mencakup "kutil dinding" dan "bata kekuasaan". Mereka bahkan lebih beragam dari nama-nama mereka; seringkali dengan baik yang sama jenis DC plug menawarkan atau polaritas tegangan yang berbeda, atau sebuah plug yang menawarkan tegangan yang sama. ""Universal" adapter mencoba untuk menggantikan yang hilang atau rusak, dengan menggunakan beberapa colokan dan penyeleksi untuk tegangan dan polaritas yang berbeda. Penggantian pasokan listrik harus sesuai dengan tegangan, dan pasokan setidaknya sebanyak sekarang sebagai, catu daya yang asli.
AC unit mahal setidaknya terdiri hanya dari kecil transformator , sementara DC adapter termasuk beberapa tambahan dioda. Apakah atau tidak beban terhubung ke adaptor listrik, trafo memiliki medan magnet terus hadir dan biasanya tidak dapat sepenuhnya dimatikan kecuali dicabut.
Karena mereka mengkonsumsi daya siaga , mereka kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "vampir listrik" dan mungkin dihubungkan ke strip daya untuk memungkinkan mengubah mereka. Mahal-mode diaktifkan pasokan listrik bisa memotong bocor-elektrolit kapasitor, gunakan berdaya MOSFET , dan mengurangi frekuensi kerja mereka untuk mendapatkan seteguk energi sesekali kekuasaan, misalnya, jam, yang dinyatakan akan membutuhkan baterai .
Pengertian Power supply:
suatu alat yang berfungsi sebagai buffer antara power suplai dengan peralatan elektronik yang kita gunakan seperti komputer, printer, modem, dsb. Bila ada gangguan, atau dengan kata lain suplai daya terputus, maka UPS akan segera bekerja dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin sehingga peralatan elektronik yang kita miliki tidak mengalami kerusakan.
Mengapa kita harus memasang power supply???
Sering terjadi suplai daya PLN terputus secara tiba-tiba atau kualitas suplai daya tidak normal akibat tegangan lebih, tegangan kurang dan tegangan kedip yang disebabkan karena gangguan petir dsb. Alangkah ruginya kita, apabila data-data berharga hasil pekerjaan yang telah kita kerjakan di komputer hilang akibat suplai daya ke komputer tiba-tiba putus.
UPS bertindak untuk mencegah hal tersebut terjadi. Apabila telah terjadi kerusakan pada alat elektronik akibat terputusnya suppply daya atau data-data yang kita miliki hilang, maka UPS tidak dapat mengatasinya. UPS hanya bertanggung jawab agar peralatan elektronik tersebut tidak rusak atau sebelum data hilang.
Mengapa kita harus memasang power supply???
Sering terjadi suplai daya PLN terputus secara tiba-tiba atau kualitas suplai daya tidak normal akibat tegangan lebih, tegangan kurang dan tegangan kedip yang disebabkan karena gangguan petir dsb. Alangkah ruginya kita, apabila data-data berharga hasil pekerjaan yang telah kita kerjakan di komputer hilang akibat suplai daya ke komputer tiba-tiba putus.
Penyebab utama menurunnya kualitas suplai daya
Menurunnya kualitas suplai daya sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup peralatan elektronik yang disuplainya. Beberapa hal utama yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas suplai daya :
1. Teganga lebih(Surja) impuls akibat petir. Tegangan lebih akibat petir biasanya terjadi dalam waktu beberapa mikro detik. Tegangan lebih ini biasanya dapat merusak perangkat keras (hardware) dari peralatan elektronik yang dikenainya. Seperti microchips, harddisk, monitor dsb.
2. Tegangan lebih akibat switch. Biasanya terjadi akibat mesin listrik yang diputus dari suplai. Bila kejadian ini berlangsung lama dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada perangkat keras.
3. Tegangan kedip sesaat akibat peralatan listrik berdaya besar baru dinyalakan. Tegangan kedip ini dapat menyebabkan komputer hang, salah pembacaan pada harddisk atau kerusakan fisik pada harddisk tersebut.
4. Tegangan kurang, akibat PLN tidak mampu melayani beban puncak. Hal ini mengakibatkan peralatan kita dicatu dengan tegangan lebih rendah dari ratingnya. Hal ini sangat berbahaya bagi peralatan kita sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan tegangan.
5. Black-Out
Ini merupakan peristiwa putusnya tegangan PLN ke peralatan secara keseluruhan.
Gambar 2
Komponen Utama UPS
Komponen utama dari sebuah UPS adalah :
• Baterei
Jenis baterei yang digunakan adalah jenis lead-acid (tegangan nominal 2,0 V per sel) dan jenis nikel-cadmium (tegangan nominal 1,2 V per sel). Baterei ini mampu menjadi sumber tegangan cadangan selama 15-30 menit.
• Rectifier (penyearah)
Berfungsi untuk mengubah arus AC menjadi arus DC dari suplai daya untuk mengisi baterei.
• Inverter
Berfungsi untuk mengubah arus DC dari bateri menjadi arus AC ke peralatan yang dilindungi oleh UPS.
Gambar 3
1. Line Interactive UPS
Pada UPS jenis ini diberi tambahan alat AVR (automatic voltage regulator) yang berfungsi mengatur tegangan dari suplai daya ke peralatan.
2. On-Line UPS
UPS jenis ini terdapat 1 rectifier dan 1 inverter yang terpisah. Hal ini lebih mahal apabila dibandingkan dengan dua jenis UPS lainnya. Dalam keadaan gangguan, suplai daya ke rectifier akan diblok sehingga akan ada arus DC dari batere ke inverter yang kemudian diubah menjadi AC.
3. Off-Line UPS
UPS jenis ini merupakan UPS paling murah diantara jenis UPS yang lain. Karena rectifier dan inverter berada dalam satu unit. Dalam keadaan gangguan, switch akan berpindah sehingga suplai daya dari suplai utama terblok. Akibatnya akan mengalir arus DC dari batere menuju inverter
Fungsi utama dari operasi sistem:
Dapat memberikan energi listrik sementara ketika terjadi kegagalan daya pada listrik utama (PLN).
Memberikan kesempatan waktu yang cukup kepada kita untuk segera menghidupkan Genset sebagai pengganti PLN.
Memberikan kesempatan waktu yang cukup kepada kita untuk segera melakukan back up data dan mengamankan Operating System (OS) dengan melakukan shutdown sesuai prosedur ketika listrik utama (PLN) padam.
Mengamankan sistem komputer dari gangguan-gangguan listrik yang dapat mengganggu sistem komputer baik berupa kerusakan software,data maupun kerusakan hardwa
UPS secara otomatis dapat melakukan stabilisasi tegangan ketika terjadi perubahan tegangan pada input sehingga tegangan output yang digunakan oleh sistem komputer berupa tegangan yang stabil.
UPS dapat melakukan diagnosa dan management terhadap dirinya sendiri sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk mengantisipasi jika akan terjadi gangguan terhadap sistem
User friendly dan mudah dalam installasi.
User dapat melakukan kontrol UPS melalui Jaringan LAN dengan menambahkan beberapa accessories yang diperlukan
Dapat diintegrasikan dengan jaringan Internet.
Notifikasi jika terjadi kegagalan dengan melakukan setting software UPS management.
Jenis Power Supply
Dahulu jenis power supply yang sering digunakan adalah model AT. Pada model ini, kita harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU jika ingin mematikan komputer. Tapi saat ini, jenis power supply yang banyak digunakan adalah ATX karena model ini memberikan kemudahan mematikan CPU tanpa harus menekan tombol ON/OFF pada CPU, cukup dengan mengklik Shutdown.
Sebaiknya komputer (PC) digunakan ditempat yang dingin/ber-AC dan tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung. Hal ini agar komputer kita tidak cepat panas. PSU juga membantu agar computer tidak cepat panas karena salah satu komponen pada PSU adalah kipas/fan.
aplikasi Power supply
power supply Komputer
Main article: Computer power supply Artikel utama: Komputer catu daya
Sebuah supply komputer modern power dengan saklar dan mematikan pasokan dirancang untuk mengkonversi listrik AC 110-240 V dari pasokan listrik, untuk beberapa output baik positif (dan historis negatif) DC tegangan dalam rentang + 12V,-12V, 5 V , 5 vbs dan 3,3 V.. Generasi pertama dari komputer adalah perangkat catu daya linier, tetapi sebagai biaya menjadi faktor pendorong, dan berat badan menjadi penting, beralih modus pasokan hampir universal.
Koleksi beragam tegangan keluaran juga telah sangat beragam persyaratan menarik saat ini, yang sulit untuk semua dipasok dari sumber switched-mode yang sama. Akibatnya pasokan daya komputer yang paling modern sebenarnya terdiri dari beberapa perlengkapan mode yang berbeda diaktifkan, masing-masing memproduksi hanya satu komponen tegangan dan masing-masing dapat berbeda output berdasarkan kebutuhan daya komponen, dan semuanya dihubungkan bersama untuk menutup sebagai kelompok dalam hal terjadi kondisi kesalahan.
power supply Welding
pengelasan Arc menggunakan listrik untuk mencairkan permukaan logam untuk bergabung dengan mereka sama melalui peleburan. Listrik disediakan oleh power supply las, dan dapat menjadi AC atau DC . pengelasan Arc biasanya membutuhkan arus tinggi biasanya antara 100 dan 350 amp . Beberapa jenis pengelasan dapat menggunakan sesedikit 10 amps, sementara beberapa aplikasi pengelasan spot menggunakan arus setinggi 60.000 amp untuk waktu yang sangat singkat. Lama pasokan daya pengelasan terdiri dari trafo atau mesin mengemudi generator . persediaan yang lebih baru menggunakan semikonduktor dan mikroprosesor mengurangi ukuran dan berat.
AC adapter]
Sebuah linier atau mode power supply-switched (atau dalam beberapa kasus hanya trafo) yang dibangun ke atas sebuah plug dikenal sebagai paket plug "", "plug-in" adaptor, "adaptor blok", "listrik domestik adaptor "atau hanya" power adaptor Logat istilah mencakup "kutil dinding" dan "bata kekuasaan". Mereka bahkan lebih beragam dari nama-nama mereka; seringkali dengan baik yang sama jenis DC plug menawarkan atau polaritas tegangan yang berbeda, atau sebuah plug yang menawarkan tegangan yang sama. ""Universal" adapter mencoba untuk menggantikan yang hilang atau rusak, dengan menggunakan beberapa colokan dan penyeleksi untuk tegangan dan polaritas yang berbeda. Penggantian pasokan listrik harus sesuai dengan tegangan, dan pasokan setidaknya sebanyak sekarang sebagai, catu daya yang asli.
AC unit mahal setidaknya terdiri hanya dari kecil transformator , sementara DC adapter termasuk beberapa tambahan dioda. Apakah atau tidak beban terhubung ke adaptor listrik, trafo memiliki medan magnet terus hadir dan biasanya tidak dapat sepenuhnya dimatikan kecuali dicabut.
Karena mereka mengkonsumsi daya siaga , mereka kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "vampir listrik" dan mungkin dihubungkan ke strip daya untuk memungkinkan mengubah mereka. Mahal-mode diaktifkan pasokan listrik bisa memotong bocor-elektrolit kapasitor, gunakan berdaya MOSFET , dan mengurangi frekuensi kerja mereka untuk mendapatkan seteguk energi sesekali kekuasaan, misalnya, jam, yang dinyatakan akan membutuhkan baterai .
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